What do I tell my mom

What do I tell my mom

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That you disposed of the body

what happened

what did you do?

tell her you got banned from Any Forums for being underaged

So u raped and killed a young girl..

Your in the V club so she should be happy

You tell her her son finally got some fucking pussy. I bet you'll get a high five and a "FINALLY!" Your dad will also approve.

Attached: 1648822798330.jpg (700x525, 313.9K)

Attached: its called fashion mother.png (1200x672, 662.19K)

"My friend's cat attacked me"

Don't worry mom they'll never find her body

Just tell her you and the dog were experimenting and when he got off you he accidentally scratched you

“Remember, remember the 5th of November, gunpowder, treason and plot…”

Shave your neckbeard faggot. You have a nice jawline but that looks like shit.

Just let your mom know that there was a misinterpretation of intentions with the raccoon that lives in the tree outside.

Tell her she has a nice ass and that you find her attractive

It's all good user, I gotcha covered...

"Mom, I was in the park and bent down to pick up a quarter and got a branch in the neck".

"Oh son, be more careful next time would ya?

"Yes mommy, I promise."

What even is the post of op's pic? It's just some guys neck, SAGE!


That u fucked bitch like a man. Gad dam i cant even imagine being young now. If she give u lip tell her what u do with women is none of her business.

Holy kek shit - found the virgin.

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depends on how old you are

100% my line of thinking.

I'm a virgin this was a cat attack

>What do I tell my mom

Do you want to scare her or calm her?

To calm her: Tell her you were playing with your friend's dog.
To scare her: tell her how happy you are to have been initiated into the gang..

To be more careful next time.