How are you planning to take revenge on society for mistreating you?

How are you planning to take revenge on society for mistreating you?

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By contributing to it as little as I can.

I post a lot of annoying stuff online

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Congratulations on already being successful

Be reclusive and not participate in the next census

I emigrated to a leftist country.

My conservative homeland paid for my education (eurofag here free college), and now a progressive society benefits from my taxes.

Knowing this is the best revenge.

It never mistreated me but I’m a low down mfer so I just do as little as possible and take all I can get
I fuck my job over every chance I get without a care in the world
I got well off parents who won’t let me struggle so that helps

By being chill and awesome.


Literally the only correct answer.

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I talk a lot of shit but I'll probably just hang myself.

Offering something better and worth fighting for.

Get offline everybody

im going to make posts

By quitting alcohol and getting into shape.

Your parents are the ones who paid for your free education. But if you're conservative in Europe I'm guessing you're Polish which explains why you're dumb ad fuck. Good job on making Germany a shittier place, your babushkas smile at this revenge.

Ruining my white lineage by breeding a bunch of negresses

Fuck niggers.

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im throwing out batteries in the normal garbage, i look over my shoulder before i do, im the avenger!

You can do it.

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>Your parents are the ones who paid for your free education

You're saying this as though my parents actually filled the tax report. Hint: they didn't.

> Good job on making Germany a shittier place

Almost. I live in NL now.

I eat like it's my last day on earth every day so that when I'm in my 60's society can pay for my diabeetus treatment

i did that, i quit my job, got on wellfare pretended to be unable cos of longterm covid symptoms, got in shape and are working unofficially not paying tax like some dumb stupid fuck, going on 14 days vacation to greece in 3 days, paid for with my own money and the wellfarecheck is gonna pay for my wagyu steaks on the various restaurants...or maybe some 1st class prostitute from whom's asshole i will be snorting illegal cocaine before i go for the big aids balls deep anal no condom and laying the expense for my treatment on society. Fuck you.

Society doesn't mistreat you. Specific people may have mistreated you. Specific people in government, media and celebrities helped create the society you live in. Randos have nothing to do with your life or the reason why society sucks. If you want revenge don't attack randos as implied by the glowie OP who made this thread. Go after the specific people. Don't include randos as collateral damage. Don't use a gun. Don't be the glowstooge august mass shooter the glowies are currently trolling for with this thread and others

I make sure to slowly but surely misplace things and steal whenever I need to do something, unlike you (plural) chuds who use violence!

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