This is it Any Forumsros

This is it Any Forumsros.
I can't take "living" anymore.
40k in debt, penniless wage cuck, fat neckbeard, 0 friend shut-in, no reason to even try anymore. Im on the verge of being let go from the only decent job i ever had. Once they can me its gunna be goobye. Not even my wife and kids give me purpose anymore.
Saddest part is I don't want my family to suffer without me since they depend on me and love me. so I'll have to take them with me. I've been stocking up on ammo for 2 years now ever since i was demoted, know what is was really for when I lie to myself and say I'll go hunting or to the range.
There was a point in life when I had everything going for me. A nice job, my own place, a vehicle, a beautiful women and my sweet babies, the ability to provide, peace of mind. Now my life Is just falling apart and Idk what to do anymore. See you fags in hell

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>Not even my wife and kids give me purpose anymore.

Wake up, faggot.
You got at least that. Be the best that you can, 40k is nothing. Do better.

Treat your kid right at the very least.

shut the FUCK up goofball

its the jews

Wtf is wrong with you man. If you're going to do it (which I think is selfish) don't take them with you.

Just because you feel you made mistakes or are having a bad go around with life, DO NOT hurt them. Don't fucking touch them. Let them go out on their own terms. Not yours.

They have a choice and it's not yours to make. Just like you have a choice.

If they want to grow old and grey or if they decide later in life they want to check out, at least it's their decision. They don't deserve to be dragged though your plan.

Get some help. Sell your fucking guns and use it to make their lives just a little bit better. The whole reason why we are here is to help people through the journey they choose amd support them.

Do it faggot.

>I'm sad therefore I will murder innocent people

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Please kill yourself but dont hurt your wifr and kids. Theyll be fine. You have no right to hurt them.

If you're joking: glowies browse this board. Nice job getting vanned

If you're serious: Wear a my mlp shirt when you do it

Your really gunna shoot your kidx like a faggot. Just off yourself. Dumbass…

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it's the jews, go to a bank and commit an hero incident

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Why don’t you take out a life insurance policy and then get into a gunfight with the pigs? Maybe that way your pathetic spawn can benefit from your death.

omg you are useless and managed to get a bitch pregnant with 2 kids so they can follow your missery wow.

>entire paragraph

Why is always self serving, jew driven, larp bullshit here? BTW, isreal belongs to the Palestinians. You jews can have the the north pole. Then you can actually be top of the world.
Nobody in history has gotten more people killed than the jews. They need to be outlawed along with the guns that they pedal to other criminals.

>They need to be outlawed along with the guns
Actually worth considering.

>40k in debt, penniless wage cuck, fat neckbeard, 0 friend shut-in, no reason to even try anymore. Im on the verge of being let go from the only decent job i ever had. Once they can me its gunna be goobye.

Make sure to pay your local synagogue a visit on your way out!!

You DO have a list of all your local synagogues, right user?

Your situation is your own fault. I feel bad for you, but only a little bit since you caused all this chaos to happen to you by being a deadbeat loser. I'd definitely advise killing yourself, but leave your wife and kids alone. Don't steal their lives just because you're a piece of shit.

>0 friends shut-in
>wife and kids

>posting in a soon to be banned thread by the FBI
You do know Any Forums is now the prime target for the media to blame for every crazy white guy mass shooting right? FOX news is probably on here 24/7 just waiting to get the first scoop of autistic information from dickheads like you. Instead of killing everything in your mayo filled hands reach, go fix your mental health and workout

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