What is

what is

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The start of the balding process

Receding hairline and dry scalp

This. Shave your head and get over it OP

its getting scally from oil and moisture. get shampoo with antifungal in it, it blocks dht on the scalp slowing balding process(genetics are king though, no matter the fight. unless youre elon rich). the ingrediant is ketoconazole. try to put 4 days inbetween use, if you use too much it will dry you out and be worse.

Had this shit most of my life until i learned to just leave my scalp and hair alone.

Get some medicated shampoo to start.
Cut sugar from your diet
And dont shampoo again.
Fasting also makes a massive difference.

show butthole

a faggot


Sweat rash

Psoriasis. Get salicylic acid shampoo and it'll fix it.
t. fellow sufferer


It looks like some kind of dermatitis, does it itch? do you have similar redness in another place?

Psoriasis. Welcome to the club of misery. Hopefully you have good insurance and can get on some meds to stop the spread early. Ive had it for 15 yrs now without meds. My whole body is covered, my lifes sucks, i only go out at night, i wear a hoody all summer long, and now my immune system is so out of control im getting arthritis everywhere. Im in constant pain, its hard walk, going down stairs fresh after waking up is torture, i have dactylitis in 2 fingers both thumbs and several toes. My right knee and hip are running at about 40%.....

Hope you can get on it. It will destroy your life.

I have a good Dr and good insurance. Shits expensive without insurance. I stock up on it .

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Lucky you. I drink.

Just one large tube of Dovobet here in Canada would cost me $217.

Was $117 before covid/inflation.
Shit works well but once you stop it comes back aggressive. Its almost pointless. One dermatologist told me to get the biologics, or injections, like the powerful stuff advertised on tv, without insurance, youre looking at $50 000cdn a year lol.

What a joke this world is.

You haven’t tried Chinese herbal tea?

I forget what mine was without insurance but it's in the hundreds per tube. I started stocking up in case I'm ever without insurance


Realistically it's not /that/ bad if you control it. Cut all artificial sugars out of your diet, use salicylic acid creams on your skin and shampoo twice a week with the salicylic acid shampoo, do a parasite cleanse, and do some intermittent fasting. Combined this will reduce your symptoms by over 90%, easily. At least it did for me.

you will become Gorbachev