Where does Any Forums get their tech news from? (really)

Where does Any Forums get their tech news from? (really)

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There's press in Ukraine right now, both have always existed.

Any Forums

Boy, I.....


Don't say that too loud, user. Otherwise their argument falls apart.

My father when he thinks I might like hearing about something. Otherwise, nowhere.

newfag op thought war reporting was real lol

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orange reddit, everything relevant ends up getting posted

Email newsletters (no really)
Hacker News

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well, I don't care about the new trending desings with more retarded flatshit and giant sovless buttons, nor the new secuuurity updooots from some obscure bug that prints hello world in your browser.
I literally hate everything modern, why I would care about news?

Orange site and a niche subreddit.

the sebrenica genocide did not happen

I don't.
If i want something tech, i just look it up myself instead of being bombarded with propaganda constantly by some bear dressed twink.

There was a lot of pressure in all direction, but war reporting is what broke journalism.
Instead of reporting on the story, they became the story, and this attracted the kinds of narcissistic, self-absorbed faggots you see in current """journalism""" today

Hacker news. I never read the linked websites though, only the comments/opinions.

>I never read the linked websites though, only the comments/opinions.
Unironically based.

Nobody is committing genocide in Ukraine though

quiet commie

hacker newsletter is even better, filters the noise