Be me

>be me
>feel like crap
>get tested
>Quarters for 6 days
>Mfw I get paid to play vidya and browse trap threads

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hello welfare queen

What are you playing?

Persona 4

Lol what a faggot thing to do

Imagine being a neet and not getting paid for it :)

I have that, but haven't had time to dive in and play. I used to love RPGs, but never have time for 'em anymore. Have fun.

Thanks fren. Hope you find the time to play

How's it feel knowing your cocks going to fall off and then your lungs are going to collapsed and then your going to suffocate to death from the VAX? kek

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Got a favorite trap? I'd marry zoomer-chan.

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>trap threads
I hope you step on a landmine

>dying for israel

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There was this mexican/asian one on here for a while. Momoko is cute too. I remember this one video af a trap bouncing on a dildo in tartan pattern stocking but I dont have it anymore

>t.Plane boy

>paying my salary :)

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whats the username?

>Plane boy
I hope you fly into an air mine

bonana-_ on reddit.

kek, you do know that your commanding officer gets a report of your internet activity, don't you?


>>paying my salary :)
>He thinks I'm American
On the battlefield we will meet. I'll keep training while you get softer.

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They put a note in your file. It'll come up at some point when you're up for promotion.

>highly doubt
nice try bud

Your funeral

>you'll never be in the military and get deployed in a tranny country

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Quick, somebody come up with a reason to invade Thailand so we can fuck the occupied ladyboys

Googled this and literally nothing showed up. Nice try my guy