Guys i fucked up, i have a laptop with porn on it at my stepmoms apartment unlocked...

guys i fucked up, i have a laptop with porn on it at my stepmoms apartment unlocked, i forgot to bring it back home with me
She will be at her place this evening and my laptop is unlocked on the living room table, the laptop is also identical to hers, fuck me.

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Absolute dime

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Then just go to her place at the same time as she does and get your laptop you dumb cunt

i can't dude it's too far + besides it's too late as well

dunno just have the pics saved, maybe reverse image search

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call the police and tell them she has weird porn on her laptop. turn the tables quick before she finds out what a freak you are

What a shitty made up story dude.

lel she let's me stay at her place, now she knows what i'm really doing all day

>alina zaleschenko

you sound very strange. what was on that laptop

nothing just porn, no cp or anything just bdsm stuff, some pictures of myself and some questionable writings

what writings?

just badly written mumblings about my observations of humanity like something an edgy 12 writes down

So... like a manifesto.

You are an idiot for A. leaving your laptop and
B. Not using a password on the laptop.

my actual manifesto is on my desktop computer this is just random bs i'm not a complete idiot

Its okay if its porn.
Just remember what happened to Arnold Schwarzenegger's parents. His bedroom was full of pictures of muscular men, so his mom and dad assumed he was gay.

Why would you ever have any device that was unlocked when you weren't using it? You deserve what's coming for being such a moron.