GNU is distroying the progression of linux again

Gfags literally made one change in Glib that bricked lots of native Linux games.
This is exactly why we can't take Linux as an OS seriously shit just changes and breaks ton of software.
When will people just fork Linux kernel and wine and turn it into an OS? Since the wine part is stable as in doesn't just change for the sake of change.
Wine/Linux when?

Attached: Loonix.png (1254x896, 133.82K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>gaymers btfo
based gnu

It's sad, really.
Ultimately, if Musl weren't such a slow piece of trash, GNU libc would be a history by now.

>GNU is distroying the progression of linux
are you suggesting to remove all the clibs, busybox, utilities, shell, compiler etc...
and replace it with an emulator?

You have been told

Attached: NT-Based_vs_Unix-Cringe.png (1200x784, 232.28K)

>are you suggesting to remove all the clibs, busybox, utilities, shell, compiler etc...
>and replace it with an emulator?
Do these things break as much too if so yes.

>Do these things
this things are the core of the operating system you dumb fucking cunt.
lets say hypothetically someone will allocate minimum of gnu components and the initializing system to invoke wine as the main interface, you understand that its gonna work like shit right? oh sorry you dont understand because you are a techilliterate brain damaged shitmonkey kys

What's the problem?
Just recompile your program and move on.
What? It's closed source? Fuck off then.

More specifically gaymers that play online.
Even more based.

while xorg, systemd, pulseaudio, dbus and wayland (etc., etc.) are garbage, glibc is the worst thing to happen to linux

The longer I live the more I realize how cancerous GNU is. Bunch of communist retard neckbeards.

I used to heavily fight against systemd, all things considered. But now I realize that he simply meant to get all this shit together so Linux becomes a power. I think GNU is Microsoft sponsored psyop, people get paid to make linux shitty.

Just give up bro, Linux is only good for webservers.
If the windows part aka wine is good why bother?
Just use windows (and sub system for Linux if you need to use Linux software for whatever reason).

Attached: Winchads-dark-&-bodypillow.png (1080x1246, 605.8K)

Because nobody at microsoft knows how to change it, so now they're bloatmaxxing and injecting webshit into Win32 and vice versa.

Stop playing games and get a job

Attached: 1660818579097.png (1024x713, 199.43K)

>brakes users space

Attached: 1660533130443017.jpg (1200x1146, 119.05K)

get a job

all my shit is working on arch, when does this commit come?

It only impacts games that use EAC.


get some friends, you sound like you need some
got patched by the repo jannies that's why it says -2 in your glibc version

This is what they get for updooting for no valid reason.

with proper versioned library support no changes are necessary, linux distributions don't have that by design

oh, so it's a feature?
the OP shit made it sound like it was non-wine games and that wine (windows) was the only one working

I won't stop and you can't stop me.

not true since shovel knight broke too

Propriefags should recompile with --no-eac flag.

>technology advances
>"oh no our deprecated unmaintained codebase can't keep up!"

Oh yeah, lets make distribution developers essentially support 9000000 extra packages for no good reason.

hope they break more games in the future keeps the linus cuk tips redditman kids from switching to gnuloonix.

back to trad

Glibc sometimes breaks compatibility, nothing new here.
I think you can expect that old software stops working with newer glibc every time there's something "removed". Solution? Ship your own glibc, compile statically.

>This is exactly why we can't take Linux as an OS seriously shit just changes and breaks ton of software.
Have you forgotten how many games broke after updating windows to XP? Or after an update to 7/Vista?
The benefit of Linux is that you can just fork glibc, fix that issue and share that fix with other people so they can use it as well. Or just use another implementation of libc.