Learning to Code

Hi Any Forumseniuses

i am learning to code specifically webdev, i'm into javascript for almost a year and i am doing exercises on codewars and the curriculm at freecodecamp but i'm still not doing anything with the DOM because i want to at least get the basics, some of the problems that i encounter of course are problem solving and algorithms, i'm a visual learner and books make me lose interest,(i checked the resources on your wiki) there is some other resource that i can use?
tips on moving forward?

Attached: software-code-highlighted.jpg (1440x960, 158.96K)

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Check ur pm



unironically this.

>inb4 unironically is not a word!!!!1

obvious bait

indians explaining stuff,and you have to pay for it as youtube is not full enough of free tutorials 0/10

>i'm a visual learner and books make me lose interest,
fuck books. book fucking suck
codecademy.com/ is your golden ticket to becoming the next google CEO


ur mom

learn rust

Install gentoo

unironically books suck, nobody has ever learnt anything from books, people learn by doing stuff, having books is a waste of money and space, we are in 2022 and people still use books in order to learn stuff, when there are more efficient way of learning things, books are what is wrong with society, we are still reliant on thousand years ancient technology when nowadays we have computers


>i'm into javascript for almost a year
>i'm still not doing anything with the DOM
>i want to at least get the basics
>i'm still not doing anything with the DOM
>i'm a visual learner
>i'm still not doing anything with the DOM
>problem solving and algorithms
>i'm still not doing anything with the DOM
>almost a year

You are fucking retarded lol

in order to manipulate the documents you need to know how functions, loops, objects and arrays work, there are still scripting languages related to webdev, you write a keyword and the thing does what you have written like HTML and CSS but these will get you nowhere.
Coding is not scripting.

1. CS50's Introduction to Programming with Python
2. CS50's Introduction to Computer Science
3. CS50’s Web Programming with Python and JavaScript

I learned most of the JS stuff I know from reading on w3schools while writing and debugging my own fairly simple html+css+js things. There are video tutorials but they always seem to move at a snail's pace until they hit a part you don't understand, and then they gloss over it. Useless.

Dont bother with vanilla web shit, nobody cares about that skill today. Modern webdev is about how fast and effective you are, therefore, learn htmx + alpinejs + tailwind css.

Attached: 8A272F1F-E17C-481C-AF9F-6BA98CFEE427.jpg (1280x720, 91.12K)


came here to post this
feel free to ignore any advice besides this post