Self Driving Cars and Neuralink

Self driving cars if they used the brain of the driver via neuralink to essentially make the car become one with your body in a transhumanist sort of way where all your nerve endings are tied directly into the onboard sensors of the car. You are driving but you are doing it subconsciously by 'feeling' the road and 'sensing' other cars.

This will inevitably happen on our journey through VR technology.

Attached: self driving cars.png (1200x1200, 146.51K)

Other urls found in this thread: started the Space Shuttle,and an expendable external tank.


It is more likely that the car will become its own separate neural entity, so that you do not have to make a conscious thought to navigate the street.

It will have some sort of interface where you input the destination, and that is it. Maybe you can input the navigation telepathically, if both the car and the Neuralink have the right interface protocols for it, but I do not think that you will be actively driving, neither with your hands nor mind.

Neuralink is impossible.
Might aswell start with saying you drive the car via telekinesis

What makes it impossible?
Don't drink the musk sweat

no way im watching 25 min video to know your opinion. TLDR it for us.

this isn't even good scifi.

not his problem, cattle

>no way im watching 25 min video to know your opinion
>My opinion
It's literally the opinion of a neuroscientist, which musk isn't.
Also that monkey test they did is fraudulent

I have also heard the opinion of many experienced car manufacturers, saying that EVs wouldnt be real for the next 20 years.

Heck, I even heard Neil Armstrong saying SpaceX would never work.

What a neuroscientists alone says is not much of an argument.

>Heck, I even heard Neil Armstrong saying SpaceX would never work.
Armstrong isn't an engineer
Also what of spacex did he say wouldn't work? Reusable rockets isn't something spacex invented.
>experienced car manufacturers, saying that EVs wouldnt be real for the next 20 years.
what was their reasoning though? A battery running a car hardly sounds groundbreaking. It's a source of power that has existed for a century now.
Electrically driven vehicles and recreational models have lasted forever.
If it's the logistics of power stations and public sentiment I could understand it.

>Reusable rockets isn't something spacex invented
I have never seen a rocket land before. Which one are you talking about?

>what was their reasoning though?
Missing technology. No charging infrastructure. Inefficient range, they look ugly, bla bla bla

The point is that if you twist the facts enough, every position can be defended. Just look at how there are doctors pro-vaccine and anti-vaccine.

At the end of the day, Musk created 2 things that everyone said it was impossible. Kickstarted the EV industry to global scale and made a sustainable rocket launching business. I am not saying that he is going to success 100% but I think after what he has achieved, he deserves the benefit of the doubt.

>A battery running a car hardly sounds groundbreaking
What is not groudbreaking is that it can be done, by itself. It is that the industry was built upon that model. 5 years ago, NOBODY said this was going to happen

>Neuralink is impossible.
EEG is impossible?

Attached: OCZ NIA.jpg (288x384, 13.86K)

EEG is almost completely worthless. EEG is basically a side channel attack, and its well known that such attacks have terrible bandwidth. And whats worse, is that if you actually try to control anything using EEG you are going to end up rewiring huge amounts of your brain to generate detectable signals instead of you know doing useful brain stuff. Kind of like you can turn your cpu into a radio transmitter only at the cost of near 100% cpu usage.

Now that you've placed the Tesla logo piercing something...

Attached: mobius logo.png (327x442, 26.8K)

user I have actually tried using OCZ NIA to control mouse pointer. Have you?
Shit fucking works after very little training. Sure it's slower than simply using mouse, and definitely nowhere precise enough to control a real car, but it works.

I would prefer not to cause myself serious brain damage by rewiring my brain into a transmitter. EEG samples the collective output of millions of neurons, its a terrible idea co-opting their function to generate detectable signals.

taking the term cagie to the next level

>he deserves the benefit of the doubt.
He's a con artist that has screwed all those around him and claims the ideas and successes of others. Spacex is the only thing I can credit him with and even there he's just a financier.
The man literally hijacked Tesla from the true founders.
>5 years ago, NOBODY said this was going to happen
Because they didn't want it to happen.
Anyways it's physically impossible for the world to transition to EV due to finite resources. And I don't even know if it's worth it considering the environmental impact and slave labour involved.
Cost will only go up if they ever decide to stop using slave labour and polluting the environment to make batteries.
> started the Space Shuttle,and an expendable external tank.
Scroll down to history. The concept of reusable rockets has always been on the table. Like the failure that is hyperloop
>I have never seen a rocket land before. Which one are you talking about?

Why tranies and basedboys dont like the musk? He is everything you guys love in a scammer. Weird that this hate just started after bezos bought the washington post. your wagie master force you to post anti-musk propaganda?

>Why tranies and basedboys dont like the musk? He is everything you guys love in a scammer. Weird that this hate just started after bezos bought the washington post. your wagie master force you to post anti-musk propaganda?
Your right. I should be routing for the 1%

>Musk doesn't even know where the brain is!
>you can't upload or download information to or from your brain because....because you just can't ok!!!

That is literally what his argument comes down to, and occupies a whopping 30 seconds of that video. There are many credible criticisms of neuralink, but this is not one of them.

Attached: fgs.jpg (235x299, 12.93K)

Dick licking braindeaders listened to scifi and actually think they can apply it to the real world

There is a reason it is called fiction, and no tech will progress beyond the level it is at now aside from faster processors and such. Remember, there are still dip shits whonare holding put for flying cars. Actually bionics for amputees will grow, but nothing else beyobd that.

better yet
> indians are implanted with neuralink
> they donate their brain processing power, acting as your personal driver
Have you seen traffic in Mumbai?
> brains of the deceased are used as Autopilot computers