Where my Pureblood's at?

Where my Pureblood's at?


Report In!

Attached: Vax Survivor.jpg (968x1024, 119.49K)

reporting in!

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Absolute cringe

I just ate a bagel with some cheddar cheese. Tasted good.

Attached: Pepe high noon.jpg (500x469, 56.9K)

Your mom got my vaccine via intravaginal administration.

kek you ridiculous cunt

this poster is circumcised

I'm not vaxxed and this "pureblood" shit is total cringe. You're not helping.

Neither are you, faggot.

Look at all the kvetching in this thread. Thats how you know you're over the target.

Attached: Pepe ass.jpg (485x665, 114.84K)

Helping what? People have already dug in their heels so no one's mind is going to be changed and all that's left to do is taunt one another. If the world wasn't gay and stupid now we'd already be in a catastrophic war killing the fuck out of one another until everyone gets tired of it and stops being insufferable retards about literally everything.

Wow you can just smell the "vaccine" regret in this thread.

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Not a tranny


Totally sounds legit!!

>Where muh Purebloods at?
You faggots will really reach for anything won’t you?

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Sup? Wtf is up with Any Forums? Turned into freaking coom central. Another raid? Jebus.

Undead vacced here. Died 27 times from taking the vaccine.

>3 times vaxxed
>tested 3 times
>used mask when I had to
What did I win?

you know vaccines didn't start in 2020 right? Did you go to public school?

still going strong. Unvaxxed and uncucked. Even saw hookers during lockdown.


I do not care if you are vaxxed or not. But I sincerely hope that none of you are the sort of sheep that fall for obvious attempts to manipulate you like OP is engaging in. He's paid to do it, and I know beets are expensive now that his employer is losing a war and all, so I can't blame him for working for a living, even if the work is dishonorable. But hopefully none of you are dumb enough to swallow what he is trying to squirt down your throats.

Neither are you, silly homosexual person.

God who is this faggot?
Please kill yourself
and stream it

Я дoлжeн cкaзaть вceм читaтeлям, чтo вaшa нeкyльтypнaя мaть тpaхaeт coбaк. Oднaжды oнa тpaхнyлa cвинью, тaкoй ты poдилcя.

Vodka in borscht? Absolute madman. Pun intended.

looks like your keyboard is broken or something.
