Is brave browser legit?

is brave browser legit?
hope it's safe

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>le shill lion
no thanks, still sticking with firefox

don't know but I'll never trust anything that tries to shill me crypto shit

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would you rather two browsers both funded by google or no?

?plz tell me yes or no

brave still uses chromium iirc

brave is chrome in drag. ironically the best alternative is ran by men in drag

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>le shill botnet
no thanks, still sticking with brave

Spyware Level: High

brave is google software with makeup, hype and it's a pyramid scheme.
I see where you're going, and would prefer options, but brave's not really as brave as they make themselves out to be.

Spyware Level: High

>After following the mitigation guide, this software is Not Spyware.
imagine not knowing how to read

Did u even read the link u posted? Brave still leaks a lot of stuff which by design is unfixable (especially Css and hsts) due to using chrome as base. Librewolf/tor don't have these issues by default. And keep in mind Brave took 6 years to fix font fingerprinting and it still doesn't doesn't on Linux.

>Brave still leaks a lot of stuff which by design is unfixable (especially Css and hsts) due to using chrome as base
- Brave partitions HSTS since v1.41
- CSS fingerprinting is available in Nightly
>And keep in mind Brave took 6 years to fix font fingerprinting and it still doesn't doesn't on Linux.
don't care, didn't ask

The thinking man's browser is Microsoft edge. If you're already using Windows whats the big deal?


even opera gx is better than brave.

I love her

Two days ago I would have said yes, but all of a sudden it's redirecting me to Invidious and giving me weird security screening alerts

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what about brave search? I tried it the other day. Seems pretty good? I remember some controversy around this brave* shit, but can't remember what it was.