

What's the most expensive item you've ever stolen?

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12 pack of condoms. Gave them to a mate I didn't want to reproduce.

Not intentionally, but back in the day, I bought a PS2 from Target and the cashier was so distracted but some sheboons asking a million questions while he was trying to take care of me, he forgot to scan it, and I walked out with it in the bag for free.

>$11 milk

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worked at a retailer for weed, most expensive thing was a tabletop vape which was priced around a grand, but over the three years I worked there stole thousands in product. Our inventory leader would fix the numbers to make himself look better made it easy to take whatever we wanted

You're virginity

About £3,000 worth of those blind bagged Lego Minifigures

A rotisserie chicken, I ate it before they caught up with me
>inb4 nigger

Two books of like 5 dollars each. Ng brother once stealed a bass guitar but that wasn't shoplifting since the guy climbed the school roof in the nigth.
Good times

I downloaded car once.

Pulled a giant foam landing pad out of a gym with a friend used for gymnastics or something to practice backflips on with our bikes, I never did learn how to backflip and the mat turned into a soggy moldy mess over the years but I imagine it was pretty expensive like a grand at least

And that's a salty milk!

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I have taken loads of things if I think I can get away with it. From work I took laptops that I used or gave to family once I had reset settings.

I regularly go shopping with the hand held scanners and forget to scan lots of items. I believe they do random checks and scan like 6-7 items looking for stuff you didnt scan. But I get multiple of the same items and only scan one. Chances are they won't check the same items and go for a selection.

I have had sofa covers and various furniture related items from IKEA.

Call me a nigger if you like, but I see it as balancing the universe for all the bad shit that big companies do.

The deli food in walmart is just complimentary walking around food if you're smooth enough

Also as a kid I took a bag of pic related and walked out of the supermarket like nothing.
Damn I loved those toys, best decision ever

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There's absolutely nothing wrong with stealing from multinational billion dollar corporations, they deserve every bit of it

Maybe they where all baked enough to not notice

Agreed, stealing from a private individual is where I draw the line

i live in the walmart parking lot and eat there every day
havent paid for a meal in like 3 months kek

I have nothing against eating inside a walmart, but how fucking hungry you have to be to eat a whole chiken before leaving?
R you homeless bro?

If he's a man of class like me only the skin and legs are getting eaten and the rest discretely placed on a shelf somewhere

those pig ears that cost $20/ lb selfbag I just go self checkout and input cheaper bones.

So you are 14, and Poor
What a rebellious freethinker we have here. Let me guess, you also remove tags from mattresses, and refill your soda in places where it says “do not refill”

I left the store and ate it. Not a Walmart. I live in the UK. Most stores have a don't follow policy, so it was the police kek
>you got a loicense?
No officer, I do not, but the chicken is gone friendo

a $130 tin whistle i still have. its not as good as the other one i probably stole though. theyre somewhere here with the ones i bought idk

I don't go out ;-; but I bought a $700 phone off Amazon and then told customer support that the box arrived open and the phone missing and they gave me my money back

Yes user other countries exist. Glad you're just now figuring this out

Collecting whistles? That's an autist hobby if I've ever heard one

In which african country does it work? Because self checkout also checks the weight of the item.

Collecting someone else's whistles you mean


I've stolen a rubber ass from a friend once that must have cost a pretty penny lmao