Is there any other group of pigs more disgusting, liars,hypocrites and prejudiced than Christians? I think not

Is there any other group of pigs more disgusting, liars,hypocrites and prejudiced than Christians? I think not

You know what I'm going to do with every bible I see? I'm going to spit it out and rub it up my fucking ass ,fuck christian religion and all christians

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The Chinese

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Nope. They are scum, especially American protestants that have turned Christianity into their own national doomsday cult.

They have fallen so far from Christ They would all be rejected immediately.

Nope, fascist, nationalist, white jesus, christians are lower than whale shit.

Focus in Jesus teachings, not in the institutions which misrepresented him

It's a book written by a bunch of desert dwelling protein starved jews who didn't know what an atom was, a germ was, how babies were made or where the sun went at night

woah youre gonna fuck every christian OP? even me? crazy.

Jesus didn't say anything that any other mope of the time could have come up with
He could have at the very least drew a map of the Earth, explained the solar system or turned us on to a form of clean energy
The guy supposedly had the knowledge of the universe of at his fingertips, but never bothered to learn how to write



If you believe he was more than an ordinary man, the meaning behind was simple: that was not his mission.

You can say that at least since the Summerians, or much before without the sense of empire or a more modern sense of society, there had been many scholars, scientists, artists and above all intelectuals in most of civilazations. However, it few exceptions, that was a privileged condition only accessible to social-economical elites.

Jesus tried to serve as a living example that you shouldnt despise low-class, poverty or anyone without "high knowledge", so to speak. He showed that, more than conventions, money or culture, what really interests to God is everyone's well-being and that can only be done when you respect yourself and others, being compassionate and loving, because, more than abstract concepts or machines, we are both social and sentimental beings. Its not for anything that in the first two years of life we develop our relational and creative skills and only after that most rational side.

An example of the importance of Jesus is that only after and with his doctrine we started to talk about "Humanity". The closest you were from that was with a Socrates' quote: "I'm a citizen of the world", but greeks were arrogant and despised strangers, had a really restricted Democracy in Athens, were used to slavery and underestimated women.

You can say however that Jesus tried to unite both elites and low-class as equal, calling them "brothers" and "sisters", being empatetic with human flaws, such as stealing, cheating or excesses in general each time they showed the will to improve themselves. He valued men and women as equals, showing that the purest virtues in which to found a balanced life can be as simpler as those of children.

It could be seen as a mixture of Oriental introspection (Taoism, Budism and Brahmanism) with the dogmatic and god-focused approach (specially monoteist faiths, such as Zoroastrism and Judaism).

Don't ever post the Bible on Any Forums filthy satan.

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Muslims and Mormons. Basically religion gets with every new iteration. It's like every time a sect starts to get its shit sorted a new one pops up to do worse.

Nobody discuss

>Acts 8:37 And Philip said, If thou believest with all thine heart, thou mayest. And he answered and said, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.
I know no one gives a shit, but I think the thought that this specific verse being omitted from the Bible is funny and sad. The only thing you need to do to be *truly* baptized is to believe in Christ and people think they can just sprinkle their babies with water and it'll grant them immediate access to heaven and save their souls even if they denounce God, rape and murder women and children. This verse really nailed it home that if you want to be saved you have to willingly decide to be saved. You can force someone to go to an AA meeting, but you can't force that person to take the steps they need to take to recover.

TL:DR Bible teaches you that your own salvation is your responsibility but people got rid of the verse in most bibles and idiots believe that God will forgive their children's evils if they just sprinkle water on them before their concept of morality is formed

Niggers and u3bfn3hfue I rbcjcirjfiri484

Judaism makes more epistemic sense.
Having a relationship with God is much more logical than seeking salvation. Sin being "inherent" to man is fucking illogical and stupid.
Why create man with limitations and then punish him for said limitations?
Only a Christian would be that retarded.
>Inb4 the foaming at the mouth stormfags I'm not a "Joo". Calm down.

Most modern Bibles omit the verse because it doesn't appear in the earliest Greek manuscripts.

Everyone here got baited lol

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Atheists that still run with Christian morals are one level more vile, bankrupt, hypocritical and corrupt than Christians.

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