How do I get a job in tech/IT?

How do I get a job in tech/IT?
Im a 20 year old dude, zero qualifications, zero certs, want to figure it out. I am a minority but dont want to get hired on some bullshit affirmative action diversity quota, I want to get in on the merits of my competency and value

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You missed 2 years of your life to get a foundation for your future career. That’s all right, I’m in the same situation since I wanted to take a “vacation”. So you can start brand new by going into trade school, or just college. By the way, the ideal age to get married is 26. So try and hurry it up.

I was battling my own pussy bitch mind, I was afraid, insecure and so down and out. I am trying to get better and not pity myself anymore. Any other tips?

I also dont want to get married, I just want to bang hookers

There’s no tips. Just get into trade school retard.

Yeah, takes too long to get into trade schools or unions. There is like a 1 year waiting list. Fuck that, I need that money right now.

Well, learn, get certs, get a job, rinse and repeat.

You’re such a faggot lmao there’s no hope for you chicken shit get used to cleaning your shit off the pavement

Trust me, get certs, you'll need them.

What do you mean? A waiting list? A waiting list. To potentially get rejected? Id rather gamble on a white collar position than a blue collar position. You can not claim that there are no workers yet you make it this difficult to get into a blue collar position.


What brand of minority are you?

Brown, not black, vagina, or alphabet group

Okay bbygrl, smd

join the air force on a 4 yr contract at IT, git yourself a couple certs, free associate's for breathing, and a bachelor

If you want to do software dev, I recommend joining a coding bootcamp. I know a couple people who did this with zero IT experience and immediately got jobs afterwards

I enlisted and tried self deleting so got out on a chapter 5 11.
Cant do military
Huh, heard about them. Might do this.

The fact you won't just say what race you are means you are smart enough to know you should be ashamed of not being white.

This is a good sign.

Well, race is this abstract concept that is and isnt relevant. Like I said, I want to get by on my competency and value, not my skin color. Blacks, women, and homos are favored over my kind. It isnt a competetion, I know tech/it is primarily white. I want to make a decent living

Find a low level job at an IT Helpdesk/Service desk. you'll most likely gonna end up doing Tier 1 shit work. Put in your time, pay your dues, hang out with Co-Workers and learn what you can from them. This will help set you up for Cert exams in the future.

If it wasn't relevant you would just say it, but you won't because you wish you were white.