Highly intelligent and funny left wing commentator who effortlessly exposes all conservative propaganda for the...

>highly intelligent and funny left wing commentator who effortlessly exposes all conservative propaganda for the bullshit it is
>revealed to be a pedophile/zoophile
Why does it always have to be like this?

Attached: x1636756070178.jpg (1200x797, 115.65K)

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KYS, communist.

Honestly starting to think most people are pedos in one way or another. But being in a place of power enables them to commit to evil. Kinda a scary thought.

>giving a shit about commentators
>Needing to have beliefs spoon fed to you by talking heads

I'm sorry boss

Gee user, I wonder why the people who believe in moral relativism don't have strong morals?

>revealed to be
link or gtfo

Are these YouTube stars? I'm not 16 so I do t keep up with the trends.

>YouTube stars

Honestly though, it seems to go both ways. The people with the fieriest and most public moral convictions also seem to be the first to violate them.

And you trust a guy like that? Says a hell of a lot about you

It's the alt-right down spiral, the more insane batshit republican talking points you read, the more you damage your brain. At some point you catch the republican pedophilia, so be careful around right-wingers

Says the guy on /b backing Pedo Joe that’s fucking funny

If I showed you a Picture of one of those caked up American girls that looks like she is in her late 20s early 30s but is actually 16 - you would see no problem with that if you didnt know her real age. (Until she opened her mouth ofc.)

Its subjective - the Age of consent is there simply because a number needed to be set.
There are 12yos that look 25
And there are 25yos that look 12.

And it is your responsibility to do a complete background check and birth certificate authentication before you stick it to any of em - just to be on the safe side.

Everything else is bullshit.

With such a broad varying thing like physical development, the age of consent might as well not count for anything - which is why it was set as a legal standard based on chronological age.

What if the age of consent was based not not how many moons have passed since you slid out of your mother, but was instead based on a set level physical readiness to produce children, or emotional maturity? Well then some people wouldn't be able to get their fuck on till their 30s.

Anyway why are we discussing something so clear cut? If its 18 you wait till 18 The end.

Vaush is a pedophile

Trump was the best friend of Epstein, and even bragged about the same taste in young girls.

do you really want to tug on this thread? I can find a lot more examples?


spoken like a man who has lusted after 16 year olds and gotten his hand slapped for it

Because it's based
I would say have aoc of at most 25, and allow if they can prove readiness and understanding of sex. Everything else is BS

Because youtubers are pedos

Can't wait for Matt Walsh to be exposed. Though maybe he's a biddy fiddler. Cunt looks like Harold Shipman.

You let the faggot shit happen

You let the tranny shit happen

Drag Queen strip shows for kids

You Americans will be the firs to legalize pedophilia - the faggot lobbies will prolly do it gradually ...

Normalize it with child strip shows / DQSH etc, then start public conversations about - "Why do we need an age of consent at all", then eventually legalize it all. Its already in the works If you pay attention. And somehow I dont think they are doing it to just own the cons.

Explain to me why faggots like Vaush can go unchecked for this long without getting his teeth kicked in? Its because you LOVE IT and secretly hope it happens - there is no other explanation.

Get ready for the phrase - "You are not a Pedophobe are you?"
better scrub your twitter and facebook of anything bad you might have said about pedos if you wanna have keep / have a job (or far more likely Permanent furlo / UBI payments) in 10-15 years when they legalize this shit.

And the hilarious thing is that as soon as you Pedo Faggot lovers legalize fucking kids, retards that copy everything you do like Britain Germany and France will hop on the bandwagon.... because they all think they live in 'murca for some reason.

Congratz America... well done!

well Republicans are the ones forcing 10 year olds to give birth, so it's more likely they will be the ones to legalize it.


Little slut was just asking for it, right?

lol basically

unironically yes. you asked for the sexualization of children and you got it. now deal with the consequences.

lmao now THAT is some twisted conservative logic.

>gays can get married now so that makes me fuck kids

>boo to all pedos! meanwhile let's vote in the pedopublicans! this will surely solve the problems!

The vaush is a pedo shit it's just clip chimping stop being so stupid

I'm unfamiliar with this. Did he admit it in like a video, or is it some leaked DMs?
To be fair, it's not that much of a surprise that a far left internet faggot (and i mean literal faggot) would turn out to be sexually disfunctional.
Most people who grew up with the internet have weird fetishes (includeing me), i and most people on the fringes of politics who also have some kind of power take that from weird fetish to illegal and highly immoral shit.
Hard disagree. Weird people who make a liveing on the internet instead of doing a propper job, and power hungry cunts who go into politics are probably mostly pedos or rapeists. I think most normal people are disgusted by the idea.
I think there may be a difference between haveing your opinions spoonfed to you, and watching people with various political opinions to practice argumentation, debate, and challenging your ideas.
This. Even most atheists believe in some kind of absolute morality. Only retards or people trying to justify their horrible behavior believe in moral relativism.
kek, this is true
Dumb take by a retard who can only think in party and team. It's not about left or right, its about power.