What moment in your life finally turned you into a cynical asshole? Who did it? What lead up to it?

What moment in your life finally turned you into a cynical asshole? Who did it? What lead up to it?

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I guess I always was an asshole, a negative, uncaring, emotional, bitch made asshole that dishes it but cant take it. Nowadays I try to just keep my self destructive tendencies under wraps and only limited to self loathing, self hate, and trying to self improve. I know I am a fucking twat. Life did it bud

Ex wife, cheated on me and then took EVERYTHING, life wasn't the same after that.

I was a cynical asshole until I got into meth and started hanging with addicts and fuck ups. I seen people with ruined lives continue to make their lives worse for themselves. I dug myself out of a meth addiction and I'm really grateful for all the shit I have and people in my life. I'm really nice to random people now, even if they're a jerk. Idgaf.

Black pill pretty much

Probably b tbh. Been here 15 years. As a kid I would just lurk and watch rekt because good new gore was hard to find

user youre actually so based i wish u the very best

Reminder that being a cynical asshole is a poor life choice if you want to maintain relationships at all. The television character you emulate can get away with it because they are funny and not real. Surprisingly enough, people don't like it when you rain down pessimism from your place of higher understanding--who would have guessed?

>Be me
>Be 19
>Recently broke up with nice ex gf
>Ruined every relationship so far because I wanted to fuck someone hotter
>Meet 9.5/10 qt3.14 at party
>She's into me
>Invite her over the next week
>She kinda dumb but who cares
>Get into bed with Netflix running in the background
>She wants the fucc so bad she becomes a wild animal
>She does literally anything I ask
>Deepthroat, slapping, spitting
>Realize that all the porn shit I'm into is only because it's not with a real human with feelings and restrictions
>Decide to cuddle instead of going so far I might hurt her
>Never had sex since

The day I realized I can extract infinitely more pleasure vicariously through abusive porn than would be possible with a real human partner I transformed in a Gigadegenerate.


It was either secondary school, or my first decade of NEETdom, leading to my realizing that I was too aspie to work after all.
Naturally, I could never get disabilitybux, so I am trapped being endlessly tortured by the NEETbux people, unless the Holy Grail of UBI happens.
Having studied the downfall of the Western economy, with Red China undercutting the planet and mass outsourcing to slaves, I know I am fucked.
Inceldom is the least of it. I just want a comfy hermit life on the breadline. It's impossible to win at anything, so it's pointless to try.
I wish I died in my sleep every night. At least I could be with my folks again.

>Naturally, I could never get disabilitybux

Is it really that hard to pretend to be completely retarded for 45 minutes? I'm on NEETbuxx myself and I just had to fake schizo symptoms for a single session witch a psych i never met before.
It sounds more like you can't stand the idea of anyone thinking you're a moron, so when the assessor asks you very specific qualifying yes/no question, you pick the option that makes you sound smarter.
Trust me, it's worth it.

With* not witch. The disability assessor works with a check-sheet of yes/no questions and they add up your score in the end. If you get so many points then you qualify regardless of the assessors opinion.

For example
>Can you maintain every day hygiene without being forced
>Do you feel comfortable with your immediate family
>Are you capable of completing errands like grocery shopping or paying bills

All of these should be answered with a firm NO regardless of the truth.

Realising everyone uses you. There's no such thing as friends.

idk. pokemon cards stolen, mum and dad both say fucked up shit like they hate me, school was abominable, mum died, credit gets ruined, best friend died, gf cheated, every job is the devil, gf cheated, gf cheated, gf cheated, gf cheated, found a great girl when i was living in my car, gf cheated, got me hired at job, got guy she cheated with hired, pulled a fucking amber turd and made it seem like i'm abusive and controlling when idk where she's been for most of the relationship

danm, are you me?

>Is it really that hard to pretend to be completely retarded for 45 minutes? I'm on NEETbuxx myself and I just had to fake schizo symptoms for a single session witch a psych i never met before.
Sadly, where I am they find terminal cancer patients fit for work. They sure as shit don't care about the 'walking wounded' who have just mental illnesses and are unemployable in a service economy as a result. Also, they keep 'checking in' every two years to force people back off of it. Many still get appointments, which also defeats the purpose. This is why I'd love UBI, as it would end all appointments and any bullshit preparations for them forever.
Well I'm getting a 'limited capability' assessment over the phone in a few days time. This is just to get the fucking dole office off my back, since they became turbo-cunts about forcing people to do any job, regardless of suitability, since February. The people I have seen for the past six years have tacitly accepted this, but now I have to go on the record that I cannot deal with customers or phones.
>It sounds more like you can't stand the idea of anyone thinking you're a moron, so when the assessor asks you very specific qualifying yes/no question, you pick the option that makes you sound smarter.
Again, people with mental illnesses don't score that high. Many get rejected the first time and have to appeal, which also takes months.
On the questions:
>Can you maintain every day hygiene without being forced
I can honestly say it has been 11 months without a bath/shower. I went 20 months during the lockdowns.
>Do you feel comfortable with your immediate family
I have no family left alive, so I can't answer that one. Therefore...
>Are you capable of completing errands like grocery shopping or paying bills
I have to run errand and pay the bills myself. I am forced to be somewhat functional, as a hermit, but I still cannot deal with the social hell of work.
I did one year, second job lasted a week.

You live in Aus? If not then we have a very similar system. There are only two types of people who get into the system, those who are legitimately retarded enough, and those who are so smart they can pretend to be retarded long enough to fool a PhD educated psychiatric doctor.

When my girlfriend of over a year lost her virginity the day after we broke up.

Probably gave it to a nigger

Step dad actually.
I spent a year trying and making her ready and he just takes it.

Fucking whore.
She should have gotten 15 years like he dud