This shit killed Schizo Abe and the left still thinks banning guns will work

This shit killed Schizo Abe and the left still thinks banning guns will work

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the same day 48 niggers were shot in shitcago.


>implying 48 niggers are worth as much as the former prime minister of japan
Leave you coon

If guns are banned you will have to make your own. This will slow things down a bit. BTW, when will Obama sop by my house to get my guns?

you're only so effective if you only have a pistol or shotgun. you're a walking rampage with an assault weapon military grade shit. thats the difference dumb dumb

guns are banned in chicago retard

>assault weapons military grade shit
nigger, that's a shitload of buzzwords that let people know you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about.

knife yourself.

But this is where you become a complete and inept retard at basic concepts Japan hasn't banned guns they just HIGHLY REGULATE there is a massive difference between that and banned this dude just so happened to nigger rig a scatter gun from shit at home depot which is genius but I digress the point is you are a shit slinging knuckle dragging mouth breathing aspie faggot who should be kicked in the nuts until you are neutered not one person is saying ban guns they are saying regulate them and limiting the field no reason to have a fucking AK47 or AR-15 as a civilian and I even own a metric shit load of guns and I sometimes wonder why when for home defense the first shit I am grabbing is my .45 or my 9mm or my .22 or I am just grabbing the shotgun and racking it and the dude is gonna leave quick.

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They are not banned retard and to say that shows your IQ is very low they are regulated but in the USA no place has BANNED guns that is a direct violation of your rights due to the 2nd Amendment no place in the US has the right to deny you the ability to own a firearm IF YOU PASS A BACKGROUND CHECK they do have every right to limit what you may purchase for firearms this is called regulation not a ban dickslap.

an ar15 or similar type weapon. you're telling me bc i don't have the exact wording on what "people" are used to hearing my entire point is invlidated? lmao faggot

Its kinda hard to commit a mass shooting with a homemade zip gun that is held together with duct tape and only holds 2 shots. Compare that to the guns any schizo can purchase here

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What's Japan gun violence stats vs the US?

in short, murica has nigger problem not gun

>the left still thinks banning guns will work

"Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary"

- Karl Marx

Why dont niggers commit mass shootings?

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Name the last time a person of consequence was killed in a mass shooting in the US. It’s all just niggers and school kids/employees.

More like we have a we give any fucking nutbar access to firearms that they do not deserve the right nor should have the right to possess that includes people who are downies autists and mentally deranged we already have it where felons can't own guns we should make it any violent offended not a race issue whites murder just as much as blacks.

Go drown your self in your shitter ASAP retards like you do not deserve life.

>a person of consequence
wtf is a person of consequence?

There was this funny british guy who made a guide called the home gunsmith or something that gave details on how to make guns out of scraps. Pussy regrets it now but all his work is online if you wanna risk ending up on a watchlist. Some guns are even fully auto and I think he had some bomb making guides.

>6 to 10 gun deaths per year in Japan
>40,000+ gun deaths per year in USA
>Japan has 125 million people in it
>USA has 320 million people in it
>If Japanese rates were applied to America, there'd be around 30 people killed each year by guns.

I dare ya take that DIY shit, go to your local high and get a Double Digit kill count

gang wars should be counted as mass shooting

>There was this funny british guy
His name was Phillip A. Lutty you dipshit and he created pic related. How many people do you know who could make a home made machine gun? The german guy who committed the 2019 Halle synagogue shooting had made one of these machine guns and the thing kept jamming on him so he resorted to using these piece of shit pipe shotgun, he killed only 2 people because of this. He also made a homemade pipe bomb to blow open the door to a synagogue he wanted to shoot up but the bomb failed.

Much love would be appreciated to anyone who posts the video, since the faggot livestreamed it

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stabbings and robbery should be considered mass shootings too

>home made machine gun
home made machine gun is easier to make than a home made semi-auto

Guns are banned in Japan, full stop. Civies can only own airsoft. The only ones with guns are police and military.

>Other than the police and the military, no one in Japan may purchase a handgun or a rifle.


They are the exactly synonymous in the context.

Protip: they do, way more often.

MJ is just a political propaganda outlet that fucks with numbers to promote their narrative.

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Easy to do when your government only lets in like 20 niggers at a time and the police aren't actively killing anyone and everything that they can get away with

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Most sensible leftists don't want to ban guns they just want to make it harder for schizophrenics and people who have a history of violent and criminal offenses to own them. which is reasonable. If you oppose the idea that violent people shouldn't have easy access to weapons than one must wonder which category you fall into, violent, or mentally unstable.

>suicide rate at 14.9 per 100,000 persons

Japan might not be the best place to compare US to, especially seeing how often the off themselves. High suicide = dystopia. Just saying. People don't an hero from a utopia.

How many people die per capita from gun deaths in japan compared to u.s. There's your response retard.

>guns are banned in chicago retard
They're not banned everywhere else yet it's probably really easy to bring guns from the outside into the Chicago area if you stop and think about it.

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Not statistically significant vs a toddler shooting someone every week.

you're literally retarded
Also the faggot would have to make their own ammunition from scratch

nowhere is the US are guns banned, only certain kinds of guns are banned

Why would one think Marx means anything to modern progressives. Worshipping old idols is what the right does.

>they just want to make it harder for schizophrenics
If you've been involuntarily committed, you cannot buy a gun from a gun store.
>and people who have a history of violent and criminal offenses to own them
If you have a felony record, are under indictment for a felony, or have a misdemeanor domestic violence record, you cannot buy a gun in a gun store.
So it looks like what sensible leftists want has already been accomplished. They can stop now.

>they do, way more often
Name 5 mass shootings where the shooter was a nigger

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