The Nazis

The Nazis

were actually


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Dumb retard bait from a bunch of edgelord faggots.

National socialism is a collectivist and therefore leftist ideology.

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Nice reductive and meaningless ‘gotcha’ logic, faggot.

They were “collectivists” the same way that they were “socialists,” which is misleading, narrative changing bullshit by radical fringe retards.

Thats a cool story with lots of nice buzzwords. Doesnt change the fact that they were socialists aka collectivists and that is a leftist ideology.

Hitler also wanted to grow lots of soybeans and make everyone vegan. Sound familiar?

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Stalin called them right wing for his own reasons, the world’s morons have run with that ever since.

nah they just pretended to be leftists to get people listen to them, then they actually did right wing things.

this is like saying you're a straight when its pretty clear you're a faggot user

Cool story bro. Keep letting your little feelers prevent you from seeing the truth.

Since we're on the topic of mental gymnastics, jews are white colored so they're white people. PoC who hate white people and white privilege hate jews. PoC are nazis. Hating white people is antisemitic.

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The entire ideology is predicated on collectivist thinking though? Like none of what the Nazis did makes sense if they're heavy on individualism? The group persecution of the Jews based on identity is only logical if you assume if you assume a collectivist mindset that makes group cleansing viable?
They were socialist, their class struggle took the form of Outsider vs. Citizen as opposed to Proletariat vs. Bourgeoisie or the modern White vs Minority. They were socialism + nationalism in the same way that liberals are now socialist + postmodernist.

When jews try to draw a swastika

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Its a windmill of friendship and tolerance.

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Collectivism doesn’t attempt to exterminate an entire group of people.

Nazi Party leaders paid mere lip service to socialist ideals on the way to achieving their one true goal: raw, totalitarian power. Using the word socialist was a tactical idea.

Such exhausting faggotry in here.

>Collectivism doesn’t attempt to exterminate an entire group of people.
Those were labour camps, user.

'muh 6 gorillion' lol.

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since when are individualist ideas right wing?

Christian and other conservative religions and their political ambitionsare the opposite of individualism.

Anarchy and Antinomianism are the epitome of individualism and are very far from right wing ideas.

Almost any far righ ideologies tend to an authoritarian state. The formuals individualism = right, collectivism = left is simply untrue.

Which side was more authoritarian these last few years? Which side wants to dictate what you drive, what you eat and even what you can say?

Think hard.

>Almost any far righ ideologies tend to an authoritarian state.
Weird how all the communist (far left) countries are authoritarian and here in our arguably right of center society you have all the personal freedom you can stand.

Its almost like you're full of shit and talking out your ass again.


Hitler CALLED them socialist for reasons of his own.
Now you're here repeating Hitler's lies.

You're not wrong because your feelings are never wrong.

Yeah, in the same way the DPRK is democratic.

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God forbid we have health and safety regulations instead of leaving things to free-market billionaires who view you poorfags as expendable and figured out it’s cheaper to pay out wrongful death suits than be above-bar. Or that people are protected from hate speech that once normalized often extends to violence.

You have to be a severely under read faggot to actually believe that. He used socialism to take power he never cared about the working class or class struggle, it's like American politicians who say they're pro freedom to get voted in and then do everything to quash it.