It's time all the black monkey NIGGERS fucked off back to Africa

It's time all the black monkey NIGGERS fucked off back to Africa

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>mass shooters are all wytpipo

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if niggers vanished from the planet, what sector of society would suffer?

Literally nothing would suffer, places would improve

Being a police officer would be the most boring job ever.

Jews would no longer have their pet niggers for one



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....are we done here?

>and that's it
*the end
-after 12 minutes only,supposed to be 60 at least
no slides and no effort whatsoever
and it was one year ago

>Veronica Mars
never ever watched it but had a dream about it,at least what I considered as this series in the dream, the woman was talking to live animal shaped chocolates that were singing
this was about 17 years ago

in their language meaning"the one who fights with the wrong hand",cause he was left handed
and it's something I invented

>i was going to call ye,I' m here what's up
so he was singing in the sketch
2009,reminding me of that time
song from way before tho
but still comes 2009 to mind
specially the program which the sketch is from

Florida and texas are complete shit holes. These meth swamps filled with diabetes should just fuck off and die already.

Best day ever

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>mmmm yummy black pipo food

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