Thats why their code sucks

it is over

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>have smallest brains yet have the best Java programmers in the world (durgasoft) sir
sir you are clearly a redeemer
you miss that they are brain efficient
India #1

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Why else would anyone shit in the streets.

They're built on a smaller node.

Not the only thing smaller.

Smaller brain doesn't mean you have low iq also larger brain doesn't mean you have high iq
Elephants have bigger brain than humans but we are the most intelligent species

in humans, brain volume is indicative of high intelligence. im so sorry sunil. you are not of high caste, hyperborean brahmin descent. better luck in the next life.

Can't compare across species you pea brain

>brain volume is indicative of high intelligence
But the research is about brain size
And you can compress volume in to small spaces

brain case is strongly correlated with intelligence and you can tell with male and female brain cases easily that the more case, the smarter. phrenology was character assassinated by gayops and psuedoscientific peddlers looking to destroy the truth from within. That said, much like astrology was supplanted by astronomy, we don't really need phrenology anymore, you can just do a neuron count, so just rank poos by the number of them.

indians have smaller brains because of smaller lithography while whites are still on 14nm+++++++++

Brain volume only indicates intelligence when volume is related to a medical condition. Otherwise men and women would have drastically different IQs (they don't).

Now look at a map of average height. Low IQ tards are always the ones who think they're smart and jump on studies like these.

Dumbfucks on Any Forums don't understand why shorter, smaller, literally malnourished people have smaller brains. The average IQ on here is sub-90.

Intelligence is determined by the number of folds your brains has.
The more number of folds your brain has the more it will have surface area.
You can have a bigger brain with less folds.
Einstein brain was smaller than humans at that time

Einstein was not smart.

>he doesn't think they don't have drastically different IQs
Maybe if you compare to literal retards and basketballists.

Yeah just like ur mom

Einstein was a midwit

>Otherwise men and women would have drastically different IQs
But they do, so...

pajeet cope

What difference does it make? White IQ didn't help them against their own wokes and jews. I'd rather be dumber and shit in the streets if it means not seeing woke trash in my life. I will not redeem sirs

It also explains every thing since Windows 8 has been shit. With poos, you lose.

>literally have third genders

At this point...honestly, the correlation between high IQs and jewish wokism is fucking insufferable
WHo knows, maybe it's time I expat the fuck away from this SJW bullshit