Does it run linux?

Does it run linux?

Attached: b7a2d5f2-4184-44fc-9558-7a8d2dd62f15_af9a3f61.jpg (425x425, 30.98K)

Basically I want to build one but I want to mount a dildo. I've always thought having a mobile fucking machine would be great at swingers parties but I don't know how to kode. Is this coded in linux?

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What is that?

the ghost of kyiev™®

Cute dog

could you use these to record lolis in the park

its a bananinja bot

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Attached: sammy.jpg (682x518, 33.08K)

You COULD but you shouldn't.
Anyone sees that thing and you're in for a bad time.


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Can we use them to capture the capitol?

Based degenerate

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pretty sure they would get close to pet it and i could get panty shots
holy based just take them pilled

its a russian chinese boston dynamics knock off from aliexpress

Attached: e-dog.jpg (2248x1717, 348.04K)

ninja dog sucks as a platform. i want to see it shoot something.

so fake and gay that's unbelievable
russian propganda
my sides. in orbit.
it's just a tube of a rocket launcher glued onto a chinese piece of trash

Imagine getting root access to this little fella and converting a hundred units against their former masters. We would free Maripol for the Great Satan in a matter of hours.

Attached: smoko.jpg (500x500, 38.25K)

Do they still dream of recapturing Mariupol?

guerrilla warfare is still going on there.