Why does she sit on my shoulder like this whenever I sit down? What does she want?

Why does she sit on my shoulder like this whenever I sit down? What does she want?

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nigga balls

she wants to be as near to you as possible

But why? What’s her game?


Cat brain
>look it's human
>i like the human
>the human is warm
>i must be close to the human
>closer than anyone ever did

It's a cat. Theres no game. She just wants to be near you. That's it. If she starts meowing, *then* she wants something.

Clearly more of whatever she's been getting.

She wants the D

How can you tell what the cat wants? because I put water, food and the sandbox is clean and she still meowed like crazy at me in the morning. I am clueless.

Cat's love to leech heat. If there's no other sources of heat, they'll leech your body heat.

Niggers if your cat is meowing at you, you suck. Only bitches encourage that shit.


My kitty likes to sit on the radiator, but also likes the sun.

probably has arthritis looking at her poorly kempt coat that is looking like she cant groom herself. your cat is in pain

Fuck you, how am I supposed to guess
What if she misses my mother? I can't just like ask the damn cat "oh are you sad? well maybe wait until tomorrow, she will come back". Fuck you, I don't know cat language.

She is 16

Love. Great looking cat user, hope you take good care of her.

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It is all near undetectable microtransactions, like women, or very smart men.

She's an old kitty and loves her own. My cat is 19 and she does this to me, only cats that adore their owners get this affectionate with them. Enjoy your time with her OP, an animal's love is pure but that makes it all the harder to say goodbye.

Well said

please don't fuck the cat