Why do smart and powerful people consistently choose Mac?

why do smart and powerful people consistently choose Mac?

Attached: apple-users.jpg (2070x2382, 1.22M)

>Boris Johnson
>smart and powerful
I shiggy

>be smart and powerful person
>get photo taken alot
>only choose photo with mac for Any Forums thread

yeah well done retard. its called counting the hits and not the misses.


Yeah, I'm sure.

Attached: Trump-mocking1470513251.jpg (1920x1078, 80.3K)

I do not recognize a single person in this picture

iFaggots btfo

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>Obama got a Nobel peace prize while drone striking civilians

What a mad lad

never owned a mac.

implying they chose them
Apple gives shit out to famous people for marketing

based cave dweller

because dumb and weak people are all on GNEET/linsux

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Macs are for faggots.

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ayo he dindu nuffin yt boi


Because time is money and Linux (on desktop) is a waste of precious time. Windows is fine too, it's just a matter of preference.



Because windows is garbage and linux still has a,stereotype of being difficult. Plus you actually have to install it yourself.

Seethe ibebe
No one is regarded enough to buy a fragile $1k monitor lmao

Attached: Satanialaughing24.gif (485x402, 1.12M)

>Macs are for faggots.
sure, but why are you posting a faggot yourself satan

Macs are easy. If most of your job isn't tied to computers, you dont want to be dealing with the hassle of windows or some linux abortion. The choice is easy for politicians: they just need something that works on social media and has Word.