Local schizo crackhead came to my door and handed me this. Tips for taking care of stray kittens?

Local schizo crackhead came to my door and handed me this. Tips for taking care of stray kittens?

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get a tiny little box and feed it sometimes. cats are the cacti of pets.

Right, but she's dangerously skinny. How do I fatten her up?

cook it instead, they are very tasty especially the legs

box looks too small give it more space

and try to get decent food/meat and not bottom shelf kibble

Just make sure you buy soft food, it's more fatty I think and she will probably like it more. make sure to pet her lots.

litter box, feed it appropriate food (for a kitten), play with it with toys, might wanna get another kitten to accompany it and that will stop any sort of loneliness (which may cause excessive mewing for attention and pretty much nothing else) spaying/neutering is easy to find free, toys are like 90 cents just play with it and cuddle it you've got a kitty bro now

Buy it decent food, stop trying to keep it in a box, take it to a vet because it could have worms or whatever. Looks like a super cute cat user :3

This. Give milk and food, and a charm cloth to sleep on

>Tips for taking care of stray kittens?
bro, you give that little guy love. You give it all the love you can, and then give it some more. Most cats LOVE being scratched under the chin and the sides of their jaws. Make sure it knows you’re in charge, or they will take advantage of the situation. If it’s doing something you don’t approve, do not get angry. Remember, they have a very simple brain. They don’t comprehend a lot of things, but are very quick to pick things up. Be assertive and firm, say “no” that is how they can and will learn. If you hit them out of anger they will react negatively just like anything else. But remember, they have VERY simple thinking minds. If you love that animal, they will give you that love right back.

Yeah, I figured that the box was a little small. Was scrambling for anything because this crackhead came absolutely out of the blue

She is so floofy she is gonna be a great kot

delouse again.
treat for worms.
don't feed too many fats, there's a good chance it'll slip straight through to the ass if it isn't used to it/has had a meager diet.
be very careful if you feed it milk, too much gives them the shits.

4 basic rules:
1) water, every time you feed him change the water. Cats HATE stillwatere
2) food. In the first year feed him wet food and then gradually pass to dry food
3) playtime. In the late hours of day (or when he's awake) play with him. Use a object that makes a rattle sound or move fast (keys or fethers on a stick are very good). Laser is for grown up kittens.
4) litter box. Teach him how use one, or else he will piss and shit all over your house.

The rest is up to you. If you want to make him happy put a comfy blanket or a pillow inside a low height cardboard box.

Godspeed user, i know you will take good care of that creature. Be a based man and make him happy

why is it in a box? let it wander around your place you dick.
this, make sure to pet it and hold it etc. it'll quickly bond with you and be your friend until it dies
>t. I have 2 cats, one of them is like 2 months old
picture not related

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bro don’t keep him in a fucking box, are you retarded?? let him out ASAP. They are fine to roam the house.

not OP, but it's been years since i had to take care of one but the smell of his pee was something I'll never forget.

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but arent cats lactose intolerant?

cats are very independent animals, change their litter regularly and make sure they have kibble and fresh water. nothing more.

for training, a bottle of water with a spray, you spray him in the face, scolding him when he does something stupid, don't hit him.

from time to time you give him a small tray of minced jelly (it's cheap and you can find it in all the animal sections of the supermarket).

for the night, a soft pillow will do, don't get him used to sleeping in your bed. be careful to protect the sofa and armchair, because he may be tempted to drop a few drops of urine to mark his territory

females are more docile than males, but their urine smells a little stronger and they have periods of heat.
the males have a stronger spirit.

cats hate sour smells, don't use lemon or bleach, also avoid essential oil based products.

chocolate, avocados, eggplants and tomatoes are real poisons for cats. even in very small quantities, do not leave your food lying around in the open air.

you can give them raw fish, but be careful with raw pork. they may catch an infection. same for raw chicken, risk of salmonellosis.

you can give him raw beef, but if you want to give him pork or poultry it is recommended to give him cooked food (but it must not be hot).

like all furry animals, in winter it will increase in volume. in the spring it will start to shed some of its hair, so don't be surprised when you do your housework. to easily remove hair from fabric furniture, I recommend a brush with rubber bristles.

cats are animals that can give a lot of affection, they don't necessarily need to go out like dogs but if you have the possibility of letting him put his nose outside, don't hesitate because he will be able to explore territory ( even urban).

if it's a female, you don't have to spay her, but it's recommended if you can't be bothered with kittens. it is a somewhat expensive operation, but it is possible to give him a contraceptive pill instead

That's a super adorable kitty, user! Just show it where the food, water, and litter box are, and it'll be fairly self reliant. Give it lots of love, but don't feel bad if it's a little timid. Cats can sometimes be stressed by a new environment, and need to acclimate. Give it time to learn the layout of its new home, and you should have a great friend!

I don't know how it is in your country, but if you want to keep this cat for the long term I recommend having her registered with the vet with a microchip in her ear (you may have to do this vaccinate). know that its lifespan is about 20 years, if you are not sure you can keep an animal that long I recommend finding a new owner.

this cat is not a purebred cat, it is a mongrel. this is a very good thing because it is an animal which has a good genetic mix and which has less risk of having a genetic disease unlike breeding cats.

every year, I recommend applying a flea and deworming product. you can also put a small flea collar on him as a preventive measure, but it's not as effective as a product.

if you want to carry it, run your hand under its belly and lift it over its rib cage at the level of its front legs. if you press on the soft part of his belly you can hurt him.

lifting a cat by the skin of its neck is only valid if you want to scold it, avoid doing it unless it does something stupid.

the laser is a great toy for the cat, you can also give it a small ball with a bell. the cat is an animal that needs to expend its energy from time to time, play with it a little to awaken its predatory instincts

If your cat brings home a dead mouse, lizard or other small animal, don't scold it, on the contrary congratulate it. it's a natural expression of affection, proof that your cat loves you.

don't let it out for at least 4 or 5 weeks, it needs to get used to your home so it comes back to it

take it to the vet and treat it the best you can. shower it in love and affection whenever you can. i hope you are not part of the 80% of people on this site who would do horrible things to animals.

Take her to a vet and get her on a moist food or raw diet if you actually gaf. If not you could just get some kibble and call it a day

When you pick up your cat, avoid making sudden movements or moving quickly. when you want to put it down, don't throw it away. even though cats can land on their paws, they can hurt themselves a little. take it easy, especially when he's little.

if you intend to travel with your cat, he must be used to the car. therefore usually to make short trips, in a suitable box. but short journeys, because he won't have anything to drink. the car can be something scary for his little animals.

get into the habit of recognizing your cat's body expressions.
the cat does not have the word, but it communicates with its body.

the diameter of the iris of his eyes, the position of these whiskers, of his ears, of his tail, the speed with which he moved it, the cat is an animal that communicates a lot.

Had a similar situation and found a kitten at birth.

Don't give it dairy, it can give them diarrhea and dehydrate them. You can buy KMR or kitten milk replacement at most department stores. You can feed it with an eye dropper or bottle.

If they are really young, they need to be kept warm, because they don't produce their own heat for the first couple of weeks of age. A heating pad on a low setting under a towel would do the trick.

Also, when They are young they don't evacuate their bowels by themselves and you have to stimulate the genitals with a damp cloth or paper towel. I would usually do that at feedings.

I would get it to a vet, and see if they can identify the age; care requirements change with that.

Hope that helps user-


Don't blow your aneurysms, it was a temporary measure so I could keep an eye on her. She's out and about now. I got her to eat some softened hard food and she's napping, ricrel. She also seems to have latched onto me already, and it's only been maybe an hour.

And you anons saying don't hit the cat; I'm a bit of a slowtard, not a monster. This isn't the first cat I've lived with, just the first stray rescue. I know the secrets of the water bottle.

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Saved a little guy that looks just like that one.
Get it to the vet now, it most likely have shit in its fur you don't want to find on you.

when you pet the cat and it starts biting you, it means: STOP, that's enough. if you insist he may bite you hard or scratch you. you have to know your limits.

cats love to be stroked around the ears, there are two small bulges of skin there, it's very sensitive and they love it.

pay attention to his belly, a cat showing his belly can mean two things:
- if he's angry and excited and shows you his belly, don't touch him. because he will use his front legs and his powerful hind legs to scratch you deep, it's a defensive position.
- if you pet him and he rolls over and shows you his belly, that's the ultimate sign of confidence. caress him gently on the stomach, and at the first sign that he shows you that he doesn't want to anymore, you stop.

shes adorable user. take good care of her o7

Cute catto user - congrats

if you have old furniture, he might get his claws on it. even a fabric sofa,... give him a scratching post, it's cheap and it will do him good. they also like the cat trees found on the Internet, you will find that for a fistful of dollars. it's not very expensive and cats like it.

no need to wash it, the cat is a very clean animal that grooms itself regularly. but if you want to get him used to water, do it while he's still small.. that said, I doubt it's a good thing, because obviously he's a cat who's already weaned, it's fine scare him than anything else.