I have about a pound or two of antipsychotic medication...

I have about a pound or two of antipsychotic medication, surely this is enough to kill someone if they're left unbothered right? It's pretty old.

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don't do it. the world is ending soon, but please don't do it. trust me. I've seen actual "hell"

It's where I deserve to go.

don't. it's not worth it. please tell me first. I do care. hell isn't for you.

What is there to say? I'm a horrible person and I want to die.

That’s a lot of drugs. Don’t an hero OP

Going out on pills is NOT how you want to do it.

1) Painful and sucks
2) Likely to get found

Are you male or female

Yeah it's not my first rodeo. I've tried 20+ times in the past. I probably won't get found though. No one will be looking for me until I don't clock in

you will vomit after like half a bag of this thing and shit from both ends really. You won't die cause your own body will keep you alive against your own will. Sure you might die if you eat enough of it in quick succession before you lose consciousness but you will die in hospital due your liver failure and lack of donors. It will be long and painful death but it will work so do what you will.

why are you a horrible person? I literally personally know people who do the worst actual fucked up shit for a living. you can't be that bad

im a tranny

>I've tried 20+ times in the past
you were meant to live. live.

I'm an abuser

nevermind fucking do it faggot

Attached: doew it.jpg (600x600, 45.03K)

Thanks, I appreciate it

I've also considered hanging or yeeting myself into the Mississippi but I'd be worried that I'd pussy out or get fear lock in my knees

close your eyes, put your fingers into ears and start singing as loud as possible all the while you walk off cliff.

they can forgive you. I've forgiven worse. I promise you I've seen worse. atone. make a positive change for yourself at least. live selfishly at first then you'll have the capacity to help others next. I know you can. there are no lost causes.

and if you mutilated yourself I'm not joking I'm from the future in an alternate timeline. if people don't die this year, between 7-12 years from now virtually any reconstructive surgery will be possible, so all you have to do is not die for that long.

Man... using antipsychotic meds to overdose is gonna be awful.

You're gonna have:

-Tachycardia (fast heart, like over 150 bpm)
-a fever of over 105F
-muscle tremors
-low blood pressure (feel like blacking out, dizzy, light headed)
If you're taking an antipsychotic medication ending in 'zine' you have a chance at going into a seizure.

If someone finds you, the doctors don't have an antidote, they will instead treat your symptoms. Increase your blood pressure, lower your heart rate, reduce your fever, increase your oxygen. You WILL make a full recovery and feel like shit the whole time.

thanks fellow schizo but personally going insane and destroying my life and hitting my boyfriend and saying vile shit to him is getting old and the self hate has dominated me

this is actually very good advice thank you

>fellow schizo
nope. I'm an actual time traveler. paul sends regards

ok so when is next major war going to break out then ?