Is issuing an executive order to go against a definitive Supreme Court decision something a dictator might do...?

Is issuing an executive order to go against a definitive Supreme Court decision something a dictator might do...?

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Not if the courts can nullify it

Donald Trump issued more executive orders than any other president. So sit down and shut up.

nothing will happen, this is chum for his base (what's left of it), the states can and will tell him to fuck off

Why lie? If you have to lie, you should question why you're lying in the first place. This is just completely false. I shouldn't have to provide the data, that's on you, but here you go, lying fuck

I'm not worried about anything happening, Biden is easily and without a doubt the most ineffective president with control of Congress ever. I just think precedent-wise this is very fucked up, not that it should come as a shock from this administration

Fake news

Leftists always lie. Wicked people flee the truth.

His 3 predecessors all issued more. Clinton is the current titleholder.

straight LIE!

Biden signed 55 Executive Orders int he first month... thats more than any President... ever...

I'm not even going to continue... eeesh...

Faggots. Faggots everywhere.

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The supreme court overturned a decision made 50 years ago by the supreme court. The court contradicted it's older self.
The supreme court doesn't issue orders.
An executive order is a brand new order having nothing to do with the supreme Court.
Chino-Russian fuck off.

Donald Trump issued 55 executive orders a year on average.

Joe Biden issued 64 executive orders a year on average.

But if you wanna really know who issued the most, then it would be FDR with 307 per year on average.

It issues decisions, like OP said. What is even the point of this reply? You literally aren't even making a sensical argument here.

Lol you got your asshole destroyed

Good one user have a (you)

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>Faggots. Faggots everywhere.

Faggots faggots in my hair

How is that helping anyone if the average man can't afford to travel you nigger

>precedent-wise this is very fucked up
Yeah, housing moratorium EO they didn't seem to care either,
most of this is 'doing something by doing nothing' and it's gotta be insulting to actual dems

Not sure if ignorant, lying, or retarded. Probably all three.

you need to stop watching CNN propaganda

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