Post you are flatpaks

post you are flatpaks

Attached: 1.png (806x149, 22.14K)

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you might wanna reconsider using signal through flatpak, the flatpak is published by a third party so it's an unnecessary extra point of trust for something potentially sensitive.

flatpak list --app
bash: flatpak: command not found

Nobody who uses Signal cares about security in that way, as evidenced by the fact that they gave it their phone number

>you are

They only publish a package for debain-based distros though.

what's your distro? opensuse and fedora have a package provided by the suse folks

Neat, thanks.

>In gnome-terminal type the following:
I don't think, I will.

read the issue, lazy-ass. all the urls are

I was referring to gnome-terminal.

k then, KDE enjoyer I hope?

here's the up-to-date commands btw

For the upteenth time
Security != Anonymity
Fucking retards man I swear.

No, gnome is fine, kitty connaisseur and I managed to replace 34 by 36, but thanks. Seems to work, I just got a message.


I am not a flat pack.

SMS authentication makes your security worse, webdev.

It's not SMS as a second factor, you only do it once.

Attached: scr.png (619x361, 46.44K)

>SMS Authentication
You've revealed your ignorance.
Signal doesnt use SMS for authentication, just for first time registration.
They claim it prevents spam accounts.

>gimp, firefox, boxes
y tho?

Get on my level fags.

Attached: Screenshot from 2022-08-16 13-05-16.png (789x579, 180.71K)