It's Debian's Birthday

Debian is 29 years old today. Say something nice about it.

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Happy birthday Debian

Ian didn't kill himself

Fuck you Debian I don't care about the Debian way of doing things it's MY computer not yours

Fuck you Debian is good

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I've had terrible experience with Debian (Debian, Ubuntu, LMDE, Debian, Debian), so I really can't. It's solid as a rock (and about as usef- — sorry, sorry) if you use Stable, I guess - at least for some people, certainly not me.

thank you debian

>posted on debian derivative

Happy birthday debian, thanks for changing my life.

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You can do some proper "ship of theseus" business with Debian. My machine at home was installed over 20 years ago been upgraded continually ever since across 4+ hardware changes. Been running sid for over 10 of those years with only minor breakage. Even the i386 to amd64 cross-grade went well. Great for something completely by volunteers with no corporate influence.

his bitch bipolar cheating whore of a wife did

>completely by volunteers
>no corporate influence

This. Debian is love, debian is life.

happy birthday to the king of Linux distros

Happy birthday Debian, you are without a doubt one of the Linux distributions I have ever seen.

>tfw I'm as old as debian

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Happy Birthday Debian!
It's my grandma's birthday too.

debian was my first distro. i moved to other distros very quickly but i still consider it my goto distro in case i just want to fuck around in a VM and try something. so thanks for existing.

Debian is father, Debian is mother!

>debian 29 years old.
> almost 10% of packages have received updates.

My first Debian was the "bad one", v3.0.
After they got their shit together when it comes to nvidia drivers, everything went fine.

looks like debian is on the brink of being a post wall tranny.
Ian didn't kill himself

who cares
you dont need up to date software on most things,
I'd gladly take the stability in return for that
And if you really need anything just clone the code from github and compile yourself, or run portable static executables