How do you find the will to carry on?

How do you find the will to carry on?

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Video games, but even that's losing its luster.

Very carefully

Please explain.

I don't. I just know no matter how many times I've tried killing myself, it will always fail.

Train tracks

Money, the prospect of making more money and living the pipe dream of being well off.

I don't. I'm just too much of a pussy to actually end it.

drugs, alcohol, and family. order varies.

I'm going to end myself in the end of this month. I just need to work a few more days and get my paycheck so I can buy 1 gram of methadone, then I'll inject it IV and fucking die. I carry on because soon I'll die. No other reason.

By being to much of a pussy to kill myself,

Anime, and Video Games are kind of nice as well. I also like to lie to myself and say that it's possible for me to get married, start a family and live the rest of my life happy and surrounded by loved ones.

the voices tell me that i have a purpose

What is your purpose?

the voices haven't told me that part yet.

Hentai,vidya, and rock n’ roll

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That's cool that they're supportive of you

video games
cooking a nice steak once in a while
ordering pizza once in a while
going camping once in a while

life's not bad. things go to shit for a few months sometimes but it always comes good in the end.
enjoy the high points and dont take them for granted.
the shit times make the good times better.

But atm
Personal vindictive to stick it to the man. And to show ego fucks, "nah fuck you loser."

>rock and roll
>posts hardcore thrash

List reason why you want to die. Now apply the opposite to give meaning to your shit existence. Sounds simple but you can enjoy your life however you want instead of marinating in your misery all the time. Get counseling, that shit helps when you apply it.

Here's some distortions that I've basked in for too long with the opposites applied:

- my family doesn't give a fuck about me
Opposite - my family cares about me

- it doesn't matter if I'm here or not, no one will miss my pitiful existence
Opposite - it does matter that I'm here because I'm valued, everyone will miss me if I'm gone

I dont, im just waiting to die and hoping it comes sooner rather than later. But nothing makes me feel better than knowing that even if i was inclined to no matter how hard i try ill never be a faggot like you.
>kill yourself

Saving money and going to SEA to bang whores every year or so makes life worth living. Also drugs, do drugs.

Never say never you faggot

After the first attempt, I was placed on a "Call the cops list" with my picture to every gun shop in the us.

World of Warcraft