If I have no work experience or college degree in IT then what should I have in my C...

If I have no work experience or college degree in IT then what should I have in my C.V that would increase my chances highly of being hired in the IT industry?

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OP here, I live in the UK btw if that helps with anything.

What part of the industry

Software, hardware, help desk? What do you want to do? If you live in the UK I'd imagine putting down that you make a great cup of tea would help.

By dying and being reborn as a relative of the owner of an IT company.

personal projects

OP here. Software, idk but something probably like cyber security or anythng involving developing applications.

You best make some shit up or get some relevant experience.

You need 1 of 3 things:

-College degree
-Relevant work/transferrable experience

The easiest way to do some of this is to do local fix peoples PC shit and call yourself an independent PC shop. I've fudged my resume inbetween extended unemployments due to industry downturns/recessions by doing an odd job here or there. A law firm, a friends personal business etc. Then you're an independent contractor etc.

Otherwise get studying or volunteer.

Pretty much this. If you want to get hired you better start lying because everyone else in your position is. If you've had any other job just lie and say you were doing something very similar to the job that you are applying for. They can maybe verify if you worked there but not what you did.

Just submitting CVs isn't going to be the thing that gets you hired unless you get lucky.
You have to put yourself in front of someone who knows what you'd be best suited to do, and then network from there.
Theres a lot of gay shit about "putting yourself out there" and "be excited to improve" that I sincerely believe now because the attitude changes are visible to people who need workers.
Even if you just get a job washing the windows at some tech place, employers are bug brained and they think experience is like a smell, if you're close enough you'll have gotten some on you.

Can we stop this meme that certifications somehow replace a college education? I literally studied for the Network+ and passed it within a few days. It hardly even compares to the final exam for any class I have.
You're not marketable at all and won't be competitive in this field. You need to acquire skills and build a portfolio of work experience.

>no work experience
Into the trash you go, fren. Them's the rules. No exceptions.

Certs may get you an internship or leg in the door it's true. If they give you the technical knowledge to perform tasks you don't need psych, beer and wine appreciation or other classes rounding out your education. No different than a trade school.

>muh portfolio
Worthless. Utterly worthless. You will get nowhere with that.

>Certs may get you an internship or leg in the door it's true. If they give you the technical knowledge to perform tasks you don't need psych, beer and wine appreciation or other classes rounding out your education. No different than a trade school.
This I agree with, but I often see people throw out the idea of education and say you should just get certs instead.
>Worthless. Utterly worthless. You will get nowhere with that.
My software projects is how I began landing internships. If your projects are just "todo app", then yeah obviously no one cares.

Personally I think most people should go to college but not super expensive universities or whatnot, go to a state or public school get subsidies and scholarships if able. The immediate out of school placement is worth the cost IMO unless you really are going cert heavy which is like IT school anyways.

Mm-hmm. Yes. I see. Completely worthless

Okay that's easy. Start doing big bounties, look for small little stuff then exaggerate that on your resume. If you do that plus a cert or 2 you'll get in np.

>Mm-hmm. Yes. I see. Completely worthless
You must be a boomer who thinks internships just involve fetching coffee, but that's not how they actually work. You almost always get a guaranteed job offer and tech internships pay well over 30/hr.
A single internship at FAGMAN is 45-55/hr with a 5k+ housing stipend, and this is only takes 3 months.
Your first internship obviously isn't going to be at a top tier company like that, but that's why you get whatever you can and keep leveraging that experience into something higher. I've met new grads who made 200k/yr by doing this. At the top tier universities this is literally what almost every kid is doing.
Internships are heavily desired by students and are extremely competitive for the reasons I mentioned before.

Lmao get a load of this retard. Internships are literal slavery i would never be caught dead than working one. We have an intern where I work he does more work than I do and he doesnt get paid and wont get a job offer afterwards. I never worked an internship just work a some shit tier jobs and then lie about what you did there. Worked at amazon cleaning toilets? Say you were an engineering technician for amazon or some bs like that. They can verify where you worked previously they cant verify what you did there.

the biggest sure fire way to get hired in IT is just have solid people skills. lots of IT people are smart in the head but very bad at communicating which is horrible in a business setting. I've seen overqualified people get turn down for the job because it's like talking to drywall in the interveiw.

>We have an intern where I work he does more work than I do and he doesnt get paid and wont get a job offer afterwards.
Unpaid internships are illegal except for non-profit / educational systems, and even then they still have a lot of strict restrictions such as you cannot be producing any monetary value for the company, you need a mentor, and you need to be doing it for college credit.
I think you're the retard here and I really don't believe you've ever held a job (outside of mcdonalds) before.