What was the first thing you Ejaculated to?

What was the first thing you Ejaculated to?

Attached: chad4.webm (1920x1080, 1.86M)

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your mother

Some random blowjob video I found on Altavista's video search.

Either Stacey Keibler or Torrie Wilson. More likely Torrie.


Attached: PcVXukN.jpg (3500x2340, 443.84K)

carrie fisher

Loli hentai. I was 11. I came on my pajama robe.

thought of my crush

A busty girl I knows bebo profile picture

The video of the Great President Donald J. Trump making fun of that retard.

the hamster dance song while grinding my bed as a 9 year old

Dumbass white boy.

that was my second

Attached: chad1.webm (1920x1080, 1.92M)

Hentai flash games on either Newgrounds or Funnygames.com... no wonder I'm so weird. Though I'm preaching to the choir, posting that here.

my older brothers sailor moon ‘figures’ when I was like 6 or 7. Fuck that was amazing. My mom found out and she used a pair of scissors to slice grooves into their plastic breasts. The plastic breasts had now turned into little knives. I remember trying to fuck one and cut my dick pretty good so that stopped that activity real quick. I remember being on the kitchen counter and she was holding this giant fuckkng butcher knife threatening to cut my dick off if I didn’t stop masturbating.

that documentary movie "kids" that was supposed to be a warning against teenage sex because that fag mc gives aids to all girls he gets to have sex with and he doesnt give a shit.

Attached: kids.jpg (580x859, 122.45K)

wow any pics for reference?

Attached: milliebbass2.jpg (3326x5000, 1.59M)

Hard to remember exactly but I'm fairly certain it was in the shower, around 9 or 10, fantasizing about my teacher's assistant. She had to have been 19-20 or so. Hot as fuck.

Fuckin eh, same here. Trish was another go to

WWE always has hot ass chicks

Attached: chad2.webm (1920x1080, 1.71M)


Some weird euro movie on the public broadcasting channel. Cute girl flirting with a guy and she was on a swing without panties, I dont think I ever saw anything because her crotch was just white light.
Nfi what the movie was about.

Hoe long did you last? All 6 minutes?

wow she's good

Attached: MommyMaya.webm (1920x1080, 1.91M)

same here, 2004 ish when my cousin showed me a flash game site with an 18+ section lol

Like two minutes.
I had tried masturbating before and failed so I was surprised. When you're younger (I was 12) your semen comes out as gel rather than liquid. That's the first time anything besides piss came out of my dick.


Nothing much. A schoolfriend had mentioned that he made his dick 5" long by rubbing it. I tried the same thing, and was totally unprepared for what happened. I was 12.

I remember using like a two finger stroke on my head only and it rolling from my feet to my stomach. Felt like I was gonna puke, then ecstasy. Couldn't wait to do it again.