You can't stop me from reposting the truth

You can't stop me from reposting the truth.

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Do you have a study that supports this?
You're not supposed to think about this kind of stuff. It's not your job, OP. Leave it to the scientists. They know what is right and wrong for you, so just stop thinking you trumptard!

poor b8

Move to a state that keeps abortion then you dumb fuck.

Amen brother, I also support death penalty, both pre and post natal.

Jesus Christ what a retarded way of thinking

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No one needs to move to another state to get a basic human right.

There are plenty that permit it and protect it as the right it is. That will keep on happening. People from states where it is illegal will just hop in their car and go to a place it is legal. Just an inconvenience. Or a reason to visit somewhere new. Deal with it, tonto.

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Let people live how they want to live. Next you can go tell Iran to legalize gay marriage.

Thats fine. Purveyors of trashy abortion can travel all they want. Or if you're extra trashy and its that important to you, move.

>Let people live how they want to live.
It would be fantastic if you retards could even listen to what you are saying.

>Thats fine.

It's great. You can do nothing to stop it and you won't.

>Let people live how they want to live.
I'm glad we agree. But why do the red state cretins keep trying to stop people from doing this?

Post a legitimate source that states this as true.
I'll wait.

Yeah you're free to make whatever stupid laws you want in your shithole liberal cities.

Because the majority of people in those states don't want abortion legalized.

>Needs a "legimate source" to show him that people have control over their own bodies

Meanwhile blue states kept everyone from doing basically anything for 2 years and even shut down public parks.

And you're free not to legislate your religion onto other people, but here we are.

You people are all hypocrites waiting in the wings.

I'm not religious at all. Abortion is trashy.
Putting the option on states is not legislating religion.

Yeah I read an article about this very topic a few days ago. Apparently it's such a common occurence that there's a term for it -- the Me Exception.

All you're doing is shifting it to the states to legislate religion. I'm sure you're going to defend it now.

>I'm not religious at all. Abortion is trashy.
Wow, top notch thinking.

Again, assuming being anti-abortion is purely religious.
If 90% of a state is against abortion why force them to keep abortion? Let them make whatever laws they want.

If Portland wants to legalize meth, oregon can make that happen. I don't give a fuck.

If only it was the keypoint of the problem. Abortion has nothing to do with imaginary woman well polished brain, it as to do with population growth control.
Now US need to fight china, they need more amerifatards. That's all.

For the same reason we don't let states make their own laws regarding slavery. Remember how that turned out? I hear some people are still salty about it.

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not about China at all. it's about stopping white women from aborting white babies.

>why force them to keep abortion?
Why let gays marry?
Why let interracial marriages happen?
Why let force people to desegregate?

Do you see how clumsy this line of thinking is? It's because I have to share a country with these states and human rights should not be abolished.

Ironically, you can get an abortion in Iran.

Equating slavery and abortion are two very separate things. There are zero states that have a majority support for that. Plus the constitution..

Abortion is not a human right, neither is marriage.

>Equating slavery and abortion are two very separate things.
I'm going to assume you mean that they are too different to compare. But we're talking about human rights. You're trying to tell us that we should allow individual states the prerogative to decide who gets rights and who doesn't.

Fun fact, America had the shortest period of slavery out of any major civilization in human history.

The Democrats should've codified Roe vs Wade under Obama, but they chickened out.
Too good a stick to wield against the Republicans, too good a money spinner.
As for the Republicans, well, the dog has caught the car. They're about to see just how unpopular this shit actually is when it's in the real world. A lotta MAGA daddies gonna think that their sweet little daughter needs that abortion after all.

you are clumps of cells and im the coat hanger, whore

Access to a healthcare is a human right regardless of whether you accept it. Go ahead and make a better argument than "it's trashy."

Again, abortion is not a human right.

if you were lodged in my body, I would have you killed, alive or not.

bodily autonomy is a human right.
denying abortion is denying the mother's bodily autonomy.

Ending a human life isn't a right, retard.

Again, it is. Go ahead and tell me why bodily autonomy is not a right. "It's trashy" and "because I say so" are not compelling arguments. I'm glad I live in a state that protects this right.

A. That is not true
B. It never ended

So where do we draw the line and why?


for a 99.9998% survival rate disease

Is that supposed to be something to be proud of?

If it's a human life, where's its birth certificate?

A) it is true, name a major country that has never had slavery?
B) there are literally millions of slaves currently in Africa, India, Russia, etc.. Google it.

Is it a human life at conception?

Yes, if it’s not defined in the Constitution or federal law it’s up to each state to decide. Didn’t you take civics in high school, or did they only teach you about faggotry and CRT? And what rights are you referring to? Women have total control of their bodies, they just can’t kill their children. Seems simple enough.

please show me where COVID vaccinations are mandatory.

Absolutely. America-hating because of its "slave roots" is meaningless when there are no better civilizations

>es, if it’s not defined in the Constitution or federal law it’s up to each state to decide.
Welcome to the conversation. My point is that in my home country I should be able to cross state lines without worrying what rights me or my wife are gaining and losing.

a foetus is not a child. that's why the father's only pay child support after it's born.

That's a public health issue. I know the world is complex and full of nuance, but at least try to keep up.