Hey g, need your help

hey g, need your help..

any software to check a quality of a USB stick that wouldn't do any funny stuff with it, something that works 100% locally, got anything?.

Attached: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.jpg (550x500, 20.49K)

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..the schizo and meds replies on their way to my thread:

heyyy.. g?, anyone here lol

The US Any Forumsirls are currently at sleep and the Euros are at work. Try again later.

alright, thanks anyway user

>and the Euros are at work
Not the NEETchads

Attached: 1651250702014.png (1000x742, 20.28K)

some other user helped me in a /sqt/

I'm on break.

whachu working at user?

the zoomie cant wait more than 5 minutes for an answer

what do you mean bad sectors and such?

nope, just saw that the thread started to disappear from the catalog, didn't want to make another one so i just pushed it a little LOL

>nope, just saw that the thread started to disappear from the catalog
my nigga, this thread is only 21 minutes old

yeah but usually people go to the top of the catalog, and barely scroll down to see the zero replies thread that was made a minute ago.. so i think it makes sense

listen pal, im a 2016 veteran for this website. it is clear to me that you have no idea how things work around here. go back to Any Forums if you think that a thread will die that fast on a slow board

Just run this.
sudo badblocks -w -s -o usbstick.log /dev/sdX

i love how all boards here are so quick to kick people out on the smallest things lmao veteran my ass this board is a lot older than that

how do i trust this command won't corrupt my usb drive or something?

>how do i trust this command
read the fucking man page retard

ah.. right, nevermind..
i've blindly put commands in the terminal my friends told me before too many times lmao

you have some really shitty friends dude

a guy got me to format the whole drive
the whole, yes. that includes grub.

just got the usb drive, should i replace it's firmware with some whatever opensource firmware from the internet? or am i just being over paranoid right now

my retarded ass panicked and got all socially anxoius and i didn't know what to do so i gave the cashier my actual phone number and full name, we were literally the only two people in the whole radius, i'm retarded