Gender-neutral baby

Gender-neutral baby

So fucking powerful!!!!

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>they want it to be

Kid's going to grow up not knowing if it's a boy or girl.
Parents are setting the little shit up for mental issues from the get go, sounds about right.

Why do white people do this shit?

All the pink makes it look like they're trying to fight gender stereotyping, which means that kid has a penis.

My wife, a clinical psychologist, just said, "put a doll and a toy truck in front of it, when it picks the toy which confirms with it's sexual characteristics enjoy having your stupid fucking wrong political worldview shattered". Of course, she can't say that at work...

Same reason anyone posts anything on tiktok, internet clout.

Imagine confusing your child on purpose for years just because like 0.001% of the population has a severe mental disorder that needs you to use special words to address them or they might kill themselves.

>when it picks the toy which confirms with it's sexual characteristics
And if it doesn't?

Nah but this is different.

I actually respect that approach. rather than "grooming" or instilling anything, simply let them be and grow free from oppressive idealism until they are old enough to make a choice for themselves. That's beautiful to me and I never thought this day would come for humanity. My world perspective is a touch brighter now. Thank you OP.

>My world perspective is a touch brighter now. Thank you OP.

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She says - if "it" tried to pick up the truck they'd likely just freak out and make it "best of 3" etc. Then said "if it's living with two fucked up people then there's a possibility that it'll be programmed to go for the toys which do t earn the parent's displeasure. On balance, genetics will probably win out".

oh no somebody did a thing I don't agree with

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See, both sides of the cultural dissonance are hypocrits. You don't like the idea of troons sitting in elementary schools brainwashing the kids towards becoming next gen. troons. You don't like the idea that homobutt fuckers can adopt a kid and groom him to likewise be a faggot. But it's perfectly fine todefine a persona's identity for them before they can even communicate. You have a dick so you have to be a boy. You have a fuck hole so you have to play with dolls and look pretty. NO, you're not allowed to kiss that other boy you play with and like. NO you can't shed societal norms and be a dike! You see how that works as hypocrisy? You see how neither fucking side is based in the dissonance conflict? The only truly fair way, according to Bayesian Logic, is to take a hands-off approach. Don't groom or instill anything. Don't meddle with a person's identity on their behalf. Just let them be alive... as babies, with no expectations or impositions. Then, when they have the cognitive capacity to make choices and communicate those choices, then let them make them freely for themselves unabated and without condescension or emotional manipulation tactics.

These actions self select out of the gene pool and meme pool, so meh

>You have a dick so you have to be a boy
Not that user, but all else being equal and without influences weighing the scale, that's exactly what happens.
>inb4 these parents are just removing influences from the scale
These parents are creating gender confusion from the get go and wouldn't pass a SCI 101 control vs test group description.

why do you care if a child has a penis

I like child penises.

Believe it or not, that will result in a significantly lessened pool of mentally ill people. ...and if all of you weirdos: conservatives, snowflakes, troons, tomboys, etc. can't deal with THIS. You simple bitches haven't even gotten to the NEXT TRANS-Gender developement. There will be an entire genertion or more of people who do NOT portray static gender traits. There will be no NORMS, because today Jessie is a clean man, tomorrow, Jessie is a slut pie on the hunt. Not to mention the other 60,000 undefined genetic-based gender combinations. I'm not shitting you. humanity is having trouble counting to 10 on the fucking gender scale and there's literally over 60k other genders as defined by scientific markers that have yet to emerge, or be given names, or even be assign core characteristics. There may yet come a gender called Flabobomax It may be a gender norm for them to wear Robocop helmets that have been uniquely bedazzled to compliment their ritualistically gifted body markings/runes all of which tell secrets about their dreams. Do you get the fucking picture. So suck it the fuck up. You don't have to lick or even touch the troons, so just leave them the fuck alone and mind your fucking business. On the flip side of the coin, you troons are disguising weirdos for trying to recruit happy healthy children into whatever sickness you're playing at. You don't have to defend your way of life, because if it's truly valid and worthy, it will naturally thrive. If it proves to be a sickness, then it will die. Dave Chappell worded it best, but I'm going to add some pretext.


You knopw damned good and well you don't pass as a woman, you don't look appealing to the majority of sane people, and as Dave said, you have made a choice on your own about yourselves. To what degree do you expect the rest of us to participate in your choice? I don't discount all transgender people as mentally ill, HOWEVER it is painfully self evident that many of you fucking are. You sane, honest, people need to separate yourselves from the cancerous nutjobs. Else your portion of the LGBTQIA+ movement will never gain traction or make significant progress within a reasonable period of time. For what it's worth, in the Third Kingdom, I will enact Laws that protect your choices, no matter how off-putting they may be to others. You will be protected from physical violence to the best of the Kingdom's capabilities. However, I will NOT shield you from the totality of the consequences of your choices. You will not hide behind authorityor Lady Justice when you face a barrage of psycho-emotional abuses from haters. Their opinions and their right to voice them is equal to your rights of personal choice. Eat a dick you freakish delusional abominations.

[H JRR2] ¿"Hey, just remember to R___ too."?

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Based self-loathing pedophile who wants to raise your children because you're "doing it wrong"

YWNBAW 5 o'clock andy no matter how many filters you use, fuck your cancerous test tube womb nigger

At the risk of a child's mental health, okay keep acting like a retarded reddit nigger though