I fucking hate Latex

I fucking hate Latex
it's so unintuitive
every single small problem that you could do in CSS in a minute turns into hours-long search of documentations and stackoverflow, because the shit that is supposed to work doesn't work

for example I checked all the results on stackoverflow about figuring out the page parity (if page is odd or even) and every time it's fucking wrong because the counter is innaccurate and 1/10th of the page is treated as the previous one lmao

and everything is like that, fucking garbage

Attached: downloadfile.png (650x650, 3.79K)

>be filtered by LaTex
>think that HTML and CSS can replace LaTex
LMAO. Where are these damn brainless niggers/pajeets from?

latex is verbose and ugly af

Theres a reason journals have latex pros on staff

Use Pandoc Markdown

works on my machine

hence why people use a latex processor like lyx and texmacs
there's no need to make things harder for yourself when free and open source solutions already exist and work well

use groff, is basically latex but easy and lighter

it's a bit funky at first but I kinda like it now
>t. stockholm syndrome

>here bro just use this infinitely shitter alternative so you can be forced to learn latex anyway in the future

Attached: 1651127920829.png (128x128, 26.59K)

LaTeX is used mostly by smart people in academia.

>even and odd pages look different
Wtf are you doing

I use to hate it till I realized no one outside academics use it so people ragging about it being useful haven't managed real world work.

Idk, latex can be hot depending on the situation

>Filtered by latex

Latex is what is used when you are done writing your documents, send to legal to validate and tidy up, usually by a automated system.

wanted to align some stuff to the right on odd pages and to the left on even pages, and it almost worked, except for 2 first elements on the page lmao

Its better in every way compared to CSS. You've just been kidnapped by insect eating trannies

R too

>filtered by LaTex
Show me how you would improve it while keeping its main purpose in mind.

the reason i use it is because i recognize it looks good
but it's very fucking clunky and time consuming, just like linux compared to windows

Yo how do you do tables in 2022? Tabu is kill

LaTeX 3 will fix everything.