/fglt/ – Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

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3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

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Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Any Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux:

>What distro should I choose?
>What are some cool programs?
>What are some cool terminal commands?
>Where can I learn the command line?
>Where can I learn more about Free Software?
>How to break out of the botnet?

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Attached: rare-stallman.jpg (3720x2800, 3.59M)

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Thanks, I think I understand now. I tried it without quotes and it mostly works except for on filepaths with spaces in them. I tried using sed to replace spaces with "\ " since ls can process that on its own, but it's still not working. Do you know why that doesn't work either?

First for the fish shell

Attached: Fish_shell_logo_ascii.png (121x85, 8.51K)

how's the alder lake support on linux? ill have to use a bleeding edge distro probably, so i need to know if its worth leaving comfy mint

A backslash, like quotes, is also an instruction to the shell, and only works where such instructions are interpreted.
The best way is to only put one filename into each variable at a time, and then quoting the expansion:
var="my file.txt"
ls "$var"

It's easy to write sloppy scripts that work 95% of the time because you don't have to be as rigorous with where a filename begins and end. Some people almost give up and just don't handle filenames with spaces because it's easier to rename files than to learn the shell properly.

What should I do here? Should I just delete these items? I got a prompt asking me to confirm because it was a protected item, so I didn't go through with it.

Attached: Screenshot 2022-08-16 105128.png (583x83, 10.17K)

Why do you have 50 entries in sources.list? That sounds wrong to me

Don't use it if you need a webcam

so its all good on a desktop? i want all the fancy thread scheduling and whatever

I think linux 5.16 is the oldest recommended version that's stable with Alder Lake. Which OS will you be using?

that works better on Linux than Windows from what I've heard because Windows doesn't actually use all of the cores properly

From what I've read as long as you're on kernel version 5.18 or later (and have it enabled, I assume,) you can have the thread director, yes.

how can I remap XON and XOFF for my terminal in bash? I'm trying to get a function key to pause output. control-s being both reverse history search and pausing terminal output is messing with what I want to do.
I tried this in my .inputrc and it didn't seem to work
"\e[OQ": "\C-s"
it was supposed to 1. remove the reverse history search binding, 2. bind a function key to control+s. it did the first thing, but the second one doesn't work
from googling I see I could do something like:
stty stop '^T'
but that's going to require control+t to not already be something else, and I don't know what control+key options are open

are there any "characters" I could map it to that are not used for anything at all? accessible via octal or hex codes?

>i want all the fancy thread scheduling and whatever
That exists but it's very much a work-in-progress from what I've heard. Whichever distro you prefer, mae sure you run an up-to-date kernel.

It is possible that my country might soon start enforcing stricter piracy laws, so I might as well go all-in and prepare for the possibility of an ever-increasing censorship of information. I need help with figuring out a way to still pirate and aquire information in general while remaining undetected. I assume my ISP would be the biggest problem.

Whilst I've taken many steps on securing my data and Kernel, I know nothing about the internet I use. All I know is that I emerge DHCPCD and it works when I plug in the ethernet cable.

What would be a way to sufficiently obfuscate my traffic, if not anonymize it, so that I am still able to torrent (mostly films from public tracker aggregators and big data collections) and, more generally, aquire data (e-books, source code leaks, news, etc)?

I've thought of the heavily shilled VPNs, but I'm broke and question their usefulness.
I've also considered Tor, Lokinet, I2P, Freenet, IPFS, etc. but I am unsure which would be better to achieve what I want: being able to get data without the risk of being noticed by my ISP.
There are also specialized distributions such as Tails OS, Whonix, QUBES and others but neither do I know if they would be useful for my use-case, nor do I want to change my distribution since I am used to, enjoy Gentoo and I've already taken care of making a local mirror of its repositories.

I ask that you may bear with my illiteracy when it comes to the internet when answering. I will not specify which country I'm talking about as to not have the risk of the focus of the conversation changing.

I might re-post this at a later date so I may have more replies to consider.

Thank you for reading.

>but I am unsure which would be better to achieve what I want: being able to get data without the risk of being noticed by my ISP
tor if you configure it properly. you light up like a Christmas tree by default but with the right transport, it can mimick regular web traffic.

i'd like to stick with mint, but 5.15 is the latest kernel that is supported. i think i need a newer glib to update which would cause problems

hey friends, i am trying to set up some nftables on my server but i am stuck on the following, how would a command look to to open a specified port but only for the specified ip address?
nft add rule ..?
So for example open port 80 but only ip can access that port

Would that in turn make me stick out to the people on the tor network or only my ISP?

Also, that doesn't solve the torrenting issue.

I'm using wsl2. Is that because of it?

what am i doing wrong here?
nft add rule master INPUT ip saddr tcp dport 139,445 accept
pic is table i am trying to add the rule to

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