People actually think this shit is better than Trump?

People actually think this shit is better than Trump?

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i just sold my house for 3 times what i paid for it 4 years ago so ya its pretty good

the stock market is not the economy retard


Absolutely not lol

I know. The economy is much worse

Wait until China decides to attack Taiwan and then they hold all of our supply chains hostage and every single one of these companies loses 90% of their market value overnight because shitty companies got greedy

Yes, Trump did this
Biden just clean it up

Stonks are dead, crypto is where it's at

All the big companies are going to migrate to a crypto model sooner or later

and thanks to inflation your money has 3 times less value you absolute dipshit

Don't you just hate it when the president pushes the "destroy economy" button just to fuck with people?

Man I hate biden now

My dog would be a better president then trump.

Stop being poor.

Lol you have 0 idea of the reason for your home prices going up.

First, the rejection of left wing policies in blue states has lead to an exodus from those states, which temporarily boosts red states prices.

Second, in blue states, regulation and inflated cost of doing business means production of homes is down. Reduced supply with normal demand raises home prices.

Third, big companies are buying whole communities. They say that when one of these companies buys a home, it will NEVER be on the market again. If that company wants to offload the unit, it sells it to another company, so no person owns it again. This scarcity, driven by new competition also drives home prices up.

My question is: where are you living now and what do you think you'll do when you want to buy another house but prices have tripled again?

I can't stop being poor. It feels bad man.

Only complete out-of-touch morons

like this faggot...


sorry but inflation has not 4Xed everything. your narrative is retarded

i am living in another house that i nearly paid off with my profits from the first one. i doubled square footage and recuded my 30 year loan down to a 15 year loan with super low interest compared to 4 years ago

i essentially just doubled my house and my monthly expense stayed the same because i was almost able to outright by this place lol

get fucked poorfag

Don’t worry user, Texas first then Arizona and now Wisconsin have all ruled that Brandon literally stole the election and is an illegitimate president. He will be removed soon!!!

DId Republican terrorists stormed the capitol under his presidency? No? Then shut the fuck up.

Pfft. Only out of touch moron I see is THIS guy, amirite?!