This guy turned into a huge snowflake after his mother died, whats the odds his gonna an hero before the year is over?

This guy turned into a huge snowflake after his mother died, whats the odds his gonna an hero before the year is over?

Attached: axemongold.jpg (1920x1080, 323.06K)

seems more likely to die of malnourishment tbh.

dude completely stopped taking care of himself since that happened. he always looks dirty and exhausted and never eats.

dude needs help but he won't take it from anyone..

You watch man children online. You aren't self aware.

Asmon is based as fuck. He's fine, leave him alone.

I'd argue it started even before the passing of his mother by even a year or two. But after she passed, he dropped all pretenses completely.

This self made multi millionaire and most down to earth streamer seems to be doing fine in my opinion.

Making an absolute metric FUCK TON of money, whilst doing exactly what he wants with no pressure from anybody.

Yeah, what a terrible life.

You're literally describing Reckful, the WoW streamer who comitted suicide two years ago, so what's your point?

No, Reckful was clinically depressed and suicidal for a long ass time. Asmon is nothing like Byron.

hes looked like a neet since like 2010 lol. that's his signature look. if anything after his mom died he's looked more energetic. he's always been a snowflake

Meh another manchild, he will die soon anyways.
Al streamers are drama farmers cocksuckers

He will never an hero, not because he isn't mentally weak but because he derives far too much enjoyment from the position he's in being able to say anything and have a whole stadium full of people shout "TRUEEEE" like a televangelist for maladjusted NEETs.

This is the way he sees things too. The only stressful factor in his life is OTK and he's smart enough to simply sell it before he runs it into the ground. He's done pretty much the same thing with WoW guilds.

Exactly, Rekful was always extremely emotional and empathetic to a fault, literally everything got to him. Asmon is neurologically incapable of seeing himself as a bad guy.

I dont know why anyone would want to watch this sperg play wow. Wow in itself is a fucking chore to play, why would you want to watch some dirty manchild play it?

Imagine their thought process during a hypothetical situation both would find themselves in for example:
I did something hurtful to someone because I didn't know it would be hurtful at the time.

>It's MY fault I let that slip
>I should have known it was hurtful
>Now this person thinks less of me
>Now my whole stream thinks i'm a dick
>I NEED to be more aware of what could hurt people

>I didn't meant it in a bad way
>The effects of my actions don't matter as much as the intention
>The only reason people are bad is because of misunderstanding
>I can just explain things
>Anyone who doesn't get my explanation is a moron

you're a dumb faggot fuck who doesnt even know what kind of content he makes

Is this one of the Kardashians faggots watch?



i would love to watch your daily life, what do you do every day

If you can't see him getting worse I'm worried about you user, take care of yourself

>Asmon is neurologically incapable of seeing himself as a bad guy.

Most based take in this thread