Millenials saw how devastating consumerist technology could be to developing teens

>millenials saw how devastating consumerist technology could be to developing teens
>gave their own children iPads from an extremely young age
>blames zoomers for being addicted to consumerist technology
millennials really are the new boomers and they are responsible for destroying a generation

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kind of ironic that my mother complained about my computer habits a decade ago, and now she's on her phone all day

ok? so you are admitting its an addiction, why don't you stop it, the source matters only after you dealt with the problem

>parents are responsible for their children
more news at 11

>Doesn't want to address a problem
>Blame the previous generation
>That'll fix it!

zoomers aren't the children of millenials you retard, zoomers are born from the loins of gen x

how stop?

distractions, building of habits and most importantly will power and desire for change, you can do it user

how distract? how build habits? how will power?

I personally am not addicted, I don’t have any social media besides snapchat, and thats simply because it’s the way people communicate nowadays, they don’t use phone numbers. (which I prefer) But I look around me and everyone is addicted to porn, social media and nicotine, I’ve tried to talk to some of them about it but they lack the brain matter to even think beyond their current state of complacency

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>I personally am not addicted
then why are you on the computer for more than 4 hours a day?

>why are you on the computer for more than 4 hours a day
Because they pay me to do it.

Obvious solution is to install gentoo on your kids laptop.
Either they figure it out and become well paid autists, or they end up hating it and go play outside.

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millenials that talk about zoomers being addicted to consumer technology dont have children user

when did I ever say this? is this some form of projection? seems like it. I’m simply too busy to be on my computer for that many hours.

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If you didn't gave your child iPhone in young years it wlll just be an outsider nowadays... You can't do this without total group agreement.
Don't blame yourself really

>Doesn't want to address a problem
>Blame the next generation
>That'll fix it!

>all these millennials telling zoomers it's their own fault for getting shit on by milliennial parents
lmao you truly are the new boomers

except you have no money, real estate, or political power, so keep seething

my parents as well, except with laptops. They also told me to never put identifying info online and to be careful what I post, but now they both post their entire lives on facebook

why are you avatarfagging with cropped call of duty screenshots
