Can I trust the pre installed ubuntu os that comes with a dell laptop

Can I trust the pre installed ubuntu os that comes with a dell laptop,
Or should I reinstall it

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reinstall it monkey, if you didnt install it yourself it aint secure


use literally anything else you fag

no because you cant trust canonical

install gentoo

Yes reinstall it, mine arrived with Windows 11 super bloated with Mcafee, Instagram, Facebook, etc.
i installed Ubuntu since Dell laptops work with Canonical, it works so well

Ubuntu and it's derivatives are the only sorry fucks in this space trying to make Linux a decent desktop experience.
Redhat using you for free beta testing making you worse than a fucking jannie
Made by fat fucks for pedophiles and furries
For trannies and queers, only relevant because of canonical.

Windows Linux is a shit Linux distro no idea why anyone uses it just use Ubuntu

not about trusting ubuntu its who installed it

>Arch is for pedophiles
Unironically true. I've been lurking a discord server for arch linux and minors frequently posted pictures of their thighs

That's awful! Where?

fack off nonce

I want to avoid these aces, user. Add them to a blacklist.

If you don't provide a direct server join link how will I know what server to avoid?

If you're going to use an ubuntu derivative at least use one like mint which doesn't have snaps for fucks sake, leenux users talk about configuring their desktops but you can't even install gnome extensions without using a workaround because "DUHRR FIREFOX SHOULD BE A SNAP PACKAGE DUHRR"

very helpful towards allowing the user of the linux desktop complete freedom to do what they want with their desktop, yes?

it it works, it works

How is this even a question, reinstall it obviously. It takes 15 minutes, you avoid rootkits and you can do the partitioning yourself where you skip the default settings from the 90's where /home is in a separate partition. You could even install a better distro.
You should never use the default OS unless it's something like Windows, where the OS is itself a botnet (even then I'd use the reset option or reinstall it).

It may have custom drivers or other hardware specific/configured software that's beneficial. You should investigate to determine if it does instead of being a idiot.

that's terrible. what's the server so i can report it to authorities?

>where home is a separate partition
How is that a bad thing? You can use it across multiple distros as long as you have the same id and gid, or you can reuse the hone on a reinstall.
