For me, it's default linux mint cinnamon. the greatest desktop experience

for me, it's default linux mint cinnamon. the greatest desktop experience.

Attached: lmc.png (526x339, 81.66K)

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it will never be the year of the linux desktop but i wish it was
linux is a meme
please trannies make it better
i want to switch from windows already
and fix firefox and mozilla bullshit

so install linux mint then and switch to ungoogled chromium

>install mint on me dad's PC computer
>types in libreoffice
>watches movies on firefox
>'appy dad

>Guys I'm a gullible NPC do I fit in yet

i tried it and i dont really care for it i also dont like how mint has a sound every time you closed a window by default

creepy how today i downloaded linux and you now post this

am i being gangstalked by fbi agents?

No, Mint is particilarly shilled on here because of all the wintards digging it's winblows-like UI

already tried linux a shit ton of times and just gives me headaches and problems
my laptop is using debian for the moment but my desktop is using windows 10
i just wish linux wasnt a meme and rn im just waiting for the trannies autism to code a better desktop

I used to like it but there's some jank underneath. I never managed to disable vsync on this DE, despite having 4 whole options related to vsync. For the longest time Nemo loaded thumbnails really slow too. People give MATE shit but it was always more stable for me than this. Also the theming is weird with the titlebars and borders being separate and not the same as other DEs. Still I respect that by default it has all of what a Windows 7 boomer would need anyways.

git gud

Linux is more suitable on laptops because it's still stuck with two somewhat incomplete display servers that handle your laptop monitor very well, but a desktop with multiple screens that might not be your standard old shit fucking awfully.

why would I use a shittier version of ubuntu?

weak cope

It does not have a sound by default.

Actually in the version released this month, the window theming is uniform now.

Well, at least they got that. I'm happy that it's not abandoned, it sometimes seemed like that.

Not using Fedora KDE baka ngmi

It appears my superiority has rustled some jimmies around these parts.

Attached: peakperformance.png (806x376, 60.51K)

you made the right choice with debian. with the rise of alternative package management like flatpak it's win/win.

Might as well be using windows.

>no Flatpak
May as well just use iOS.

flatpak btfos obsolete packages and Windows really hard, cope

redpill me on fedora silverblue. is immutable the future?

join us immutable chads

I'm sold!

Only noobs care about DEs because they can't find anything intelligent to discuss. If a DE is important to you you're too stupid to use a PC. The point of Linux is as a tool for the skilled, not decorations for gasworthy faggots.

No, you just think you're impressive because you use an operating system.