What does Any Forums think about Mastodon ?

what does Any Forums think about Mastodon ?

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Shit name and irrelevant.

Absolute alt-left cesspool
Just go to any random big instance, all japanese and right wing instances will be blocked by default.

isnt pleroma better?

It’s for poofs

Attached: 1656184521147.gif (320x240, 2.69M)

whats that


great band, although their latest stuff is not as good

something that uses that activitypub thing, but with less s o y

>that activitypub thing,
whats that

>free and open source
>restricted my hate speech
Pick one and only one

>restricted my hate speech
which one ? mastodon

It's not even that, just because they don't want to be liable for child pornography, they just block all japanese and asian instances so loli hentai doesn't have the ability to be stored at their servers.

Which instances allow "transphobia" because I will sign up to one of those.

>Drawings of Naked Children and Culture Warrior Circlejerks are blocked by default.

the protocol software use to talk to eachother inside "the fediverse"

Arrived too late to stop the corporate net and to avoid inheriting its hangups. Wish it ended up more like a global CB radio network

it's pretty sad that all the freefags are trannys one step away from razors and rope. granted, onionfaggots are going to dominate the space because high T real Chad males work real man jobs, not computer faggot jobs, but how they ban anything the slightly disagree with will eventually catch up with them someday when Chad waits outside their office and kicks their faggot teeth down their faggot throats.
I'm tired of being banned repeatedly from every single fucking platform just because I find it amusing pushing as many mentally deranged homos and tranny child predditors as close to increasing their an hero percentage as I can

are there any alternatives?

alternative implementations of activitypub or alternatives to the fediverse?

It's insane that in the span of like 10 years these mentally deranged lunatics have taken over almost every space imaginable, even this site. Your posts will be randomly deleted in almost every board if you criticise tranny-ism (i.e. pedophilia). I suspect jap Moot has allowed some NGO to commandeer the place or something.

either one

Mastodon is pozzed, use pleroma