Which one is a better country, Canada or Australia?

Which one is a better country, Canada or Australia?

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Australia. Better spiders, snakes, and crocs. Better deserts. Better smelling shit. Get fucked. Drink my piss.


What's the difference?

That's like asking who's more attractive of your ugly cousins

What about the Zealand States of Canstralia? it's the best country

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canada, we have better seasons. Better neighbors, Better future and so much more

et on parle francais comme des grenouilles.
La photo c'est EĢlisabeth Rioux et son ex

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average gigastacy and chad in quebec

Which do you value more, good weather or being a meaningful part of the world?

australia is dog-shit politics-wise
the people seem chill thou

Australian here. Canada obliterates Australia in every single way.
If you are left wing, Canada has better social services, nicer people, better natural beauty etc etc.
If you are right wing, Canada has more freedom by FAR, more industry, higher standard of living, more socially conservative.

Australia is a failed state and a total fucking dump that can't even clean up puddles. Flood victims from last year were expected to rely on govt handouts that never came. $200+ BILLION to ukraine though. Australian cops brutally beat & robbed old ladies throughout 2020-2022 without A SINGLE ONE being even remotely reprimanded. There is footage all over YouTube.
Anything and everything good to do with cars is outright fucking banned forever. Everything to do with guns is outright banned forever. Random video games=banned. Random movies and books =banned. Over 60% of your income goes to government when you count GST, stamp duty, income tax AND SOFORTH BECAUSE THERE IS LOTS MORE. Australia has the most expensive and least effective government per capita ON THE PLANET. This country is a barely open air prison and you would do well to avoid coming here.
That said if you insist on doing so, I do want to leave so maybe we could trade places. Otherwise I'll just throw myself into the ocean shortly.

holy shit bro, I'm canadian, but I never realized it was this bad in australia.

The worst thing that happen here in the last few years was the governement blocking truckers money. I do feel this is forshadowing for worst thing to come but still.

You forgot the cost of living in Australia is fucking ridiculous and the women are all dirty pirates.

>over 60% of your income goes to the government
Cite sources

what about america?

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Here in Australia when a couple truckers tried to copy them, the local police used weapons on the children in attendance. This was around the time those same cops killed dogs to prevent covid blah blah.

Yes. Average full time wage is ~$750/week, average 2 bed house is over $400/w. A big mac is $9.

It's weird when a US leftist comes along with this question. Our govt policies are all public even internationally. We don't just do income tax like you do, we have hundreds of hidden taxes - like for example GST, which is a 10% tax on any/everything - this means that if you are buying an apple, you not only pay GST on the apple - but also on the fuel to transport it, the driver's wages, the truck payments, the truck insurance, the air conditioning, insurance, water etc for the store, the wood for the box, the cardboard for the transit box, the wages for the cashier, and then exponentially outwards into their lives. This is just GST on an apple.
So I would say if you are curious about the names & amounts of all the other taxes, you read the documentation - because even GST alone doesn't fit in a single reply. Yes, there is a LOT more.

Every American state has a sales tax which is functionally the same although the rates are lower. Canada also has sales taxes applied at both the federal and provincial level which means most of them are higher than yours although in fairness, I don't believe the sales taxes are generally applied to members of the supply chain, general business taxes are of course built into the cost of goods but I'm sure our end costs are less than yours. This particular aspect of taxation is the part that leftists crying to increase taxation on the wealthy never understand.

Why don't you fucking creatures not just stay in your own shithole. get fucked pajeet

Why would anyone want to live in those authoritarian shitholes? Do you like being controlled by the government and its evil rulers?
Fucking morons
Thank God some Americans still fight against tyranny and defend the constitution which are the rules government must abide by.

It functions like compounding interest. It's sad that partisanship blinds many to this phenomenon.
Yes I am familiar with US sales tax, but it's important to remember that GST applies to ANY transaction of any type. If money changes hands for any reason in Australia, the government gets 10% of it from GST alone, then there are taxes on savings, investments, assets etc and extreme fees for basic life - such as the ~$1000/y motorists are forced to pay in "registration" (tax). There is gst on that tax as well.
Fuel is another great example: there is a fuel excise (tax) of approx. $1/L. GST is applied to this. You cannot fathom the knock-on effects of this without living here, it is madness.

Cost of living and real estate is fucked in NZ

And it's worth remembering that despite (or really because of) that insane, unjustifiable, unprecedented & unparallelled expense of govt, Australia has the least effective & most authoritarian govt in the west.
This country is hell.

NZ is just Australia with an extra step

As an ausfag I can tell you Canada. Cost of living here is shit, real estate market is buggered, we've got a possible recession on the way due to our conservative parties keeping our country reliant on outdated industries that are really starting to fail to compete in the global market etc etc etc...plus in Canada vs Aus your money will go further.

>recession due to conservatives
You advocate the lockdowns, at least admit it you disingenuous cunt. Australia has no conservatives in govt and never has.

The Liberal Party is conservative and although not currently in power, they've held enough terms over the last 40 years to fuck up a lot of shit. Our recession isn't tied to lockdowns in anyway shape or form either.

>et on parle francais comme des grenouilles

meh non j'pense qu'on parlons comme les geese. DONC HONK DONC DONC

EwBrunswick represent

It's interesting that you chose to use an Apple as your example considering fresh produce is just about the only thing that is exempt from GST at the point of purchase.

You can see the cause of the phenomenon I am referencing here
And here
And here
"muh conservatives" xe says

Congrats, there is a small portion of the tax removed, because of course there is still GST on every single aspect of getting that apple there. Bet you feel great about that one.

Well you did just list all the things that are the results of Liberal policies...and that's not even touching their handling of mass privatisation or tax shortcuts for the mining industry etc that cost our country billions.