Have any of you been diagnosed with autism or Asperger's in adulthood? if so how did it happen?

have any of you been diagnosed with autism or Asperger's in adulthood? if so how did it happen?

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Autism is fake disease.

I love the dazed npcs on here

Where'd you get your medical license?

he's a fellow autistic unable to convey his opinion that you can work on it and hide it mostly.
That's what he's trying to say.

no joke i knew an aspie guy who looked exactly like that

I'm Aspie.
Two of my nephews got diagnosed as Aspie.
Their behaviour was less extreme than mine at that age, so I knew it was possible.
Referred by my doctor, got assessed, diagnosed Aspie/ borderline HFA.
Big relief now I know that I'm not crazy, just different.

masking works folks

how do they even diagnose as an adult? Just some quiz you can obviously see the answers youd need to be diagnosed on ?

>I know that I'm not crazy
It's a mental disorder so you literally are the very definition of crazy

24 years old and my therapist keeps telling me she thinks I have Austism. No doctor or previous therapist has ever said this to me. Think I’m being scammed.

Trained assessor interviews you, observing your body language as much as recording your responses.
They then contact family, Doctor, your old school or teachers (if applicable), etc , to get background evidence of your behaviour.
Follow up interview with a second assessor also present; they then compare notes and decide if you fit the criteria.

You are a cretin.
It's a verifiable, genetically linked, difference in the way your brain operates, hence the term "Neuro-divergent".

It's literally a mental disorder
Neuro-divergent is just a subcategory of crazy

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No, but I was diagnosed with ADD (inattentive type, no history of hyperactivity) just a few months ago. It happened because my son was diagnosed with ADHD last year, and in reading the literature I realized that I have pretty obvious executive function deficiencies, so I got myself tested too. My brother also has it, so I was not that surprised. ADHD and mild autism spectrum disorders have a moderate amount of symptom overlap, so they ran some Asperger’s tests too; don’t have it.

It’s not a disease. It’s a spectrum of symptoms arising from atypical neurology.

disease, any harmful deviation from the normal structural or functional state of an organism, generally associated with certain signs and symptoms and differing in nature from physical injury.

Shitty pedantry bro.

Also, it’s not necessarily harmful. Very low-end autism spectrum disorders are about as “diseased” by that definition as is colorblindness.

Just like it said
You're just stupid and don't know what words are.

I only got diagnosed at the age of 11.
Wanna here some aspie stuff?

Got diagnosed as an adult while taking an IQ test since the two are often linked.
The diagnostic was mostly based on a quizz so it's not the most reliable thing.

Sometimes i think about it when i say or do something really retarded but otherwise i dont really give a fuck. Keep in mind that while the neuro divergence is innate, you can adapt your behavior and thought process in a way that makes you totally in the norm

The smarter ones are mostly the ones that mask.

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I was diagnosed by a psychiatrist. That's how it happened.

oi epfouwe efouqpen wdyh ifi fs9 sguc# ihsow so ccopcc