Why can't my kitchen faucet just tell me if my water is toxic...

Why can't my kitchen faucet just tell me if my water is toxic? I bet one of you Arduino nerds could figure it out in an hour

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just get a reverse osmosis machine

in what shit hole do you live that you're paranoid you're water might be toxicated


America (third world)

America is on third world standards when it comes in infrastructure. I would not recommend drinking tap water. Filter and distill.

This for you American fags.
Though I still drinked tap water in the USA and am still alive.

>Filter and distill
You either don't know how filtering works or you don't know how distillation works.
America has the cleanest tap water in the world outside of specific cities run by black people or sold out to fracking companies because the water table is the fourth member of the trinity

lies, american don't drink water

don't you have a 2L of coke to finish

It isn't meant to kill you.

>America has the cleanest tap water in the world

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it's so clean it makes your teeth healthy

>in what shit hole do you live that you're paranoid you're water might be toxicated?
>America (third world)

american tourists always vomit when drinking tap water from other countries. the reverse rarely occurs.

My city's water company uses fish to make sure the water isn't toxic.
Can't remember the species but apparently they are very sensitive and will die if there is any toxic chemicals in the water.

So....get a fish tank and fill it using tap water I guess.

>american tap water
Obviously this varies greatly by region. As a general rule of thumb though, water in the US tends to be pretty hard which is not the greatest thing ever but it won't kill your or anything.

Honestly, water is only drinkable in a few european countries and other very well developed nations/cities

just do a taste test

I mean, comatose people rarely vomit


tell really, this is an interesting topic (for me at least)

that's really fucking interesting m8. googling "fish for testing water toxicity" returns a bunch of articles mentioning zebrafish

distill than filter achchully

I'm from The Netherlands and have visited California.
The tap water had a very distinct chlorine taste, like swimming pool water.
Or maybe it was fluorine, I have no idea what that tastes like.

I decided to drink bottled water instead.
But sometimes when I went out and got a soda it also tasted like chlorine water - clearly they just use tap water instead of bottled water in their machines.
The only other place I've experienced this was in Russia.