Is it true that dudes in jail will give up the butthole for a pack of cigarettes?

Is it true that dudes in jail will give up the butthole for a pack of cigarettes?

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If you find the right guy that’s down for a minute, yeah.

But good luck getting a pack in or finding a good place to smoke it and actually enjoy it

Probably a good time to quit smoking

>be me
>first day in prison
>big black man challenges me to fit through a chair for a packet of cigarettes
>me gets stuck
>black guy fucks me in front of the whole prison
>once he was done I still got the cigarettes

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Have been to jail. No one that's straight lets you fuck them for food/money/cigs. Gay guys will offer themselves up for stuff like that but no one is so desperate for cigs they take a BBC up the ass

I've heard from some sources that a pack of smokes can be worth hundreds to a desperate convict. How much is one buttfuck valued at?

Isn't that a story from Justice Dankula?

Most prisons have banned cigarettes due to health concerns and risk of fires being started.
But at one time, a single "street cigarette" was worth about $2.

Just did 4 years. Been to 3 different prisons. Even at the cheapest prison if you saw a whole cigarette it was going for literally 35$-50$ for a single Newport 100. Normally it’s just loose tobacco being sold tho. But I’ve saw guys give their assholes up or suck some dick for 5$ pieces of suboxones or fucking 5$ worth K2 sprayed on paper


Holy shit. At those prices you'd be someone's butthole slave for a month just for one pack

I sure would

More like a year

this. i been in jail a few times and as a smoker its brutal bc they dont let you smoke. i was detoxing from meth addiction and literally would have prob killed for a newp.

jesus fuck. i was in a womens facility and i didnt see anyone do anything that crazy. there def was bulldykes that wanted to fuck with eachother (and favors were basically just an excuse to have a reason to be gay for the stay) but for the most part unless u didnt go looking for gay shit you wouldn't get into any gay shit. as the "ugly but still probably the prettiest girl" in the joint i got told pretty clearly by the deputy that booked me to keep my head low. avoid gambling, drugs, sex or any discussion of the 3 and i'd be okay. it was also kinda obvious tho that since i was the prettiest ugly bitch there i prob coulda got watever tf i wanted just by letting some desperate butch dyke lick my twat for a few mins. not that id do that bc that shit is nasty. idk, i didnt see any rapey shit in my time in jail, which combined was about a year between two diff jails.

mens shit and state prisons is prob worse. i was in county jails both times.

Yeah me too. And I don't even smoke

>lick my twat for a few mins.
Can I, please

lol no.

Infinite butthole servitude, lmao

I’m curious

Why? People beat you up or officers won't let you?

A full pack? Nahhhh surely not. I'm thinking like 5 cigs for an ass fuck... max

That's pretty brutal. Does sex include a blowjob before anal? And does the top get to cum wherever he wants?

Ill give it for free

Yeah but you could trade your cigs for candy bars and stuff