I don't get how planes can fly overhead without the weight squashing people on the ground, where does the weight go to?

I don't get how planes can fly overhead without the weight squashing people on the ground, where does the weight go to?

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thousands of people a year a squashed by planes flying over them but the government covers it up.

>the truth is out there.

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>where does the weight go to?
The plane flies because the wing creates a partial vacuum OVER the wing. The wing is lifted by the difference between the normal pressure under the wing and lower pressure above it. You will not be crushed by normal pressure, you experience it every day.

>weight goes up
this isn't even good trolling

O ya smart guy why don't planes cast a huge shadow when they fly over you then?

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They do, it moves too fast on the ground for the human eye to see

If you have never seen a plane's shadow, you need to go outside more.

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The force imparted onto the craft to keep it up is a result of pressure gradient as well as air physically hitting the body and airfoils of the craft. The normal of the culmination of forces from the fluid (what you would call the weight) is distributed across the fluid its pushing through and interacting with, and then dispersed in the atmosphere. Think of it like a fish swimming through the ocean, it adds mass to the body of water but its distributed so its not like you are feeling when a fish is swimming 20 feet above you, its mass is a tiny tiny drop in pressure contribution to what other objects experience in the fluid. You should google "drone in closed box on scale" or something, if you take a drone and have it fly in a closed box, the scale wont change one bit. The mass is still there, and in a closed system, isnt distrubted elsewhere.


and to add, this guy is incorrect. Lift is a combination of elements, a major part of which is the pressure differential created through the velocity of the air influenced by the body of the craft and airfoil, but that doesn't have anything to do with mass distribution or the final state of the normal force. Read the previous detailed reply for the specifics. He is essentially asking where the normal goes in the system.

user, what grade are you in?

The force of gravity acting on the mass (weight) is counteracted by the upwards force caused by the bernuli effect. At this point there is no weight. The weight "goes" to the reduction of dimenution of preassure caused by the contraction of space above the wing. This guy explains the bernuli effect quite well.

Why do you people keep talking about lift instead of what he is actually asking? He is asking where the normal of the culmination of lift on the craft goes in the system, not "how do planes fly". The forces are distributed into the atmosphere, which then DO act on the ground and trees and other parts of the fluid, just not locally right below the craft.

Silly question. The weight is transferred to the other side of the planet, OF COURSE.

So, in China you'll see a line of people popping up into the air.


I knew it!

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It's actually true though.

Air pressure is pushing up on the underside of the wing, correct?

If I take a car jack (underwing air preasure) put a block of wood on it (wing) and then jack up a car with it (atmosphere above the wing) then the uplifting energy ot the jack is transfered to and lifts the vehicle- through the block/wing.

the actual explanation was given by another user in thread already