Tell me Any Forums why shouldn't food, housing and healthcare be free and available for everyone?

Tell me Any Forums why shouldn't food, housing and healthcare be free and available for everyone?

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we already have too many niggers leaching on welfare retard



Because resources and land are finite and have intrinsic value and we haven't reached post-scarcity yet

i thought ben garrison simped for trump and not the left?

Because nothing is free. people actually working and being taxed for these things won't keep working for long once they see that the fruits of their hard work is feeding an ever growing army of useless parasites.

Because those things are not free.

It's a res state thing

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If you have a way of making food, housing, and healthcare appear from nowhere, then I'm on board.
If not, then everyone needs to contribute their fair share.

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These subsidies are the only thing that keep niggers fed.
Want to repeal the laws allowing these subsidies ? You're welcome to do so.

Because 330 000 000 Americans are obviously being greedy.

How wanting that your money to stay yours is more greedy than demanding your "fair" share of other people's money ?

If it's free, then I will not have to work anymore? Nice
A world where nobody have to work should be a great place

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I suppose there is a fair amount of white trash surviving on it too, even while working on slave wages

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Because that's not what the typical poor family looks like.
The answer is the plentifulness of niggers in the South.

Whos the governor of New hampshire?

>majority white states
>niggers on welfare
Yeah, don't think 5% of your population accounts for a 1:3 ratio of tax dollars and state welfare.

They should work for themselves instead of working for others, then.

They are slaves of their own mediocrity and cowardice.

Damn so true comrade

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If people were allowed to stop working, never returned, and as a result supply chains broke down then wouldn't that indicate that those supply chains had little to do with human happiness? Does that mean that coercive work is sort of a light slavery?

I personally have more faith in people than that but you get the idea.

I wish these things would be free so I could slack all day till I die.

Because that money is not theirs. They didn't earn it. They stole it by underpaying and overcharging the working class consumer you dolt.

58.7 percent of the black U.S population lives in the south, and yeah, they do account for a majority of welfare payments in the South.

Yup. It's all absolutes. Everything is free. Dipshit.

Cause someone has to make it, maintain it and so on. Free labor is called slavery. So you can't provide free goods and services unless you enslave a massive amount of the population to make it happen.

No. Wealth is created by the entrepreneur, not by the worker. The worker is exchangeable for a Bangladeshi nigger, not the entrepreneur.

Are the bottom migrants working for free? What jobs should the right guy do then?

>mom and pop can stand up to trillion dollar corporations' buying power
Is your business eating and regurgitating dumb shit?

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>food, housing and healthcare be free and available for everyone?
How are you gonna pay for those things?
How are you gonna reward the work people put into providing those things if they have to be free?

This is only because we have niggers. If you take the niggers out we’re just like you.

Free like just there? Appearing out of nowhere and remaining intact without anyone looking after it? Someone always has to pay for it.
Owning property gives you responsability for it. Responsability lets humans grow their personalities hence our overlord governments want people to own nothing, so they remain children their whole life.

50% of 13%

Somebody has to pay for it and you got to udnerstand, the us is 50 states. 300 million people all divided unevenly across 50 states. It would be a shit show

No. Value is created by the worker and wealth is generated by unpaid labor and profiteering.

The way things should be and how they have to be are different things. I think it would be nice if everypony got everything they needed for free, but I also think everypony should be rewarded for their effort, otherwise ponies will get lazy and not wanna do stuff. Heck, even if they didnt mind doing some stuff for free, i think ponies should be rewarded for their work. If everypony were allowed a piece of land, i dont think thats too bad, from there they can grow their own food from the land, and land is something people cant make, it really is something they have to t ake from the government. Other than that, ponies have to be rewarded for their work and that can't happen when necessities are free, because the ponies who make necessities need to be rewardedd with something!

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You have a containment board user, stay there.