

Attached: 518382283737.jpg (700x525, 68.68K)

Okay, tell it to vote.
>Okay munchkin, who are you going to vote for?
>*starts screaming and shits*

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By your logic I can kill a 1 year old with a crowbar? I mean you said it yourself. If it can't vote it's useless.

W-what? What the fuck?

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if you religious conservative faggots really cared about life, you'd support maternity leave, medicare and getting rid of the death penalty
get fucked

I've heard stories when i was younger from women in their 70's, 80's, 90's, how they knew people that would do crazy shit when it came to disposing unwanted children.
Some chucked them into a nearby river, some crammed dirt in their mouths, buried them to never be mentioned again. Vaguely remember one story where one newborn was fed to the pigs. Lot of fucked up shit back then before even the 40's.

Heartbeat or no heartbeat, you can't "murder" someone who hasn't even been born yet.... get fucked you brainless incels

Women didn't change. They don't do that shit as much anymore because of the security cameras, forensic analysts, DNA, paper trail etc. When way back then, a lot of murders went unsolved.

If pro-life faggots really cared about life in regards of children, then they would at least give an ounce of effort into raising a kid that was given up for adoption because their genetic parents didn't want kids to begin with.

Who knows how many went unreported, let alone unnoticed.
It's like the prohibition of alcohol and how well that went during that time, and people want to try again with abortion.

Born is when you exit a tunnel? Seems awful convenient you can execute it at any point before then.

most kids who are thrown into the adoption system are beaten and raped by the people who are supposed to raise them
pro-life faggots will never, ever give a shit about actual children's lives once they're born

Kind of amazing how humans eventually went from banging sticks against rocks to being able to build machines that can tell you what person a specific hair strand belongs to.

That's the adoption places fault for not doing proper background checks. Fucking moron.

most of the abuse happens in the "adoption places", you dumb fuck
go choke on a rope

Quite amazing how humans eventually went from making things out of rock and stone inside caves to being able to actually communicate with other people literally on the opposite side of the planet in just a few seconds.

There is no heartbeat 18 days after conception, are you retarded?

Also, why post a picture of a baby? Here's a fetus at SIX MONTHS. I have no issues killing this.

Attached: 4518_907_1565-six-month-old-fetus.jpg (323x380, 7.12K)

Well then the government should monitor those places better.

We can do this all day. I bet you're gonna say that it's possible for kids to choke to death on food, and that the only way to save them from choking is by starving them.

The power of red stone

Well, spoons make people fat, so we should ban high capacity spoons because it makes people obese.

If you can pull the plug (abort) someone brain dead, why can't you abort a fetus that doesn't have a brain?